Recent content by 0onetwo

  1. 0onetwo

    All of my 1985 babies. What are you up to today?

    85 here - Not married, no kids, not seeing anyone at the moment - Feel like I need to be doing a lot better career wise, but not that bad right now all things considered - Lived in this city for WAY too long so looking to move back to my home country to work and probably settle down - Terrified...
  2. 0onetwo

    Ray Mysterio's Cat Breaks Loose, Seeks Revenge On All Women...

    Hit her with the swinging DDT
  3. 0onetwo

    Boardwalk Empire or Game of Thrones?

    Game of Thrones without a doubt. Boardwalk Empire got ****tier with each season. I havent even bothered with season 4. However GOT has dropped off a bit in the last season.
  4. 0onetwo

    Ultimate simp

    Yea it is a game show. Apparently the dude sued the show and won. Judging by the male host's reaction, hes probably banging the chick.
  5. 0onetwo

    All of my 1985 babies. What are you up to today?

    Born in 85. - No kids - Not in a relationship - Working full time - Studying part time (MBA) - Looking for a new career and a new city to live in, so hopefully after I get my degree i can start over:smokin
  6. 0onetwo

    Stereotypes: Pickup Basketball

    The OG vid:
  7. 0onetwo

    What are you waiting for in the mail? Vol. Best Feeling Ever.

    How are you finding them? Reviews are so mixed. In the end, i chose these over the Sennheiser Momentum because they were cheaper, more durable, and more portable. However I didnt have the luxury of testing the M-100 in stores.
  8. 0onetwo

    What are you waiting for in the mail? Vol. Best Feeling Ever.

    Headphones: V-Moda M-100. My payment went through last Wednesday and i havent heard anything since. Maybe I got bamboozled.
  9. 0onetwo

    Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

    Just watched it two nights ago (it premiered here in Australia earlier). IMO much better than the very mediocre second one, and about in line with the first movie. I was entertained throughout. I didnt think they had anything left in the tank with this series, but I'm glad i was wrong.
  10. 0onetwo

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    PC players: anybody try out the high resolution textures?  Thoughts?
  11. 0onetwo

    Wow.... People actually think Kobe Fakes Injurys!?!?!? LOL

    Not sure if being sarcastic...
  12. 0onetwo

    Apple Recalls 1st Gen Ipod Nano

    I got a 8GB 6th gen back for my 2GB 1st gen nano. WIN
  13. 0onetwo

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Anybody download the 1.2 patch?  heard it will break the game one way or another.
  14. 0onetwo

    Most epic action movie scene of all time?

    SMDH them tripping up the horses
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