Recent content by brighty15

  1. brighty15

    Lets play a game: You pick a movie, remove one letter, and give a brief description.

    Snake on a plane - A transatlantic flight is thrown into chaos upon the news hundreds of snakes have been snuck on and freed only to discover that it is only a small garden snake which is quickly dealt with and placed in a box till landing.
  2. brighty15

    Lets play a game: You pick a movie, remove one letter, and give a brief description.

    Who Framed Roger Rabbi - A tale of roger, the rabbi, in which someone plants a half eaten bacon sandwich in his desk at the synagogue. The quest begins as to find out who planted it....
  3. brighty15

    anyone tried these hologram bracelet things?

    these bands are suppost to increase balance and strength and all sorts but are they just a gimmick or anyone tried or use one? heres there site and have a lot of sportsmen and women wearing them but still skeptical
  4. brighty15

    anyone tried these hologram bracelet things?

    these bands are suppost to increase balance and strength and all sorts but are they just a gimmick or anyone tried or use one? heres there site and have a lot of sportsmen and women wearing them but still skeptical
  5. brighty15

    Hitting your pinky toe on the corner unappreciation Vol. OUCH

    even worse with an ingrown toenail. had one when younger, caught on a table leg or similar every now an then. most painful thing can remember in my life.
  6. brighty15

    Worst Movie You Ever Seen

    sunshine is the single worst film of all time, with joint second being between s.o.a.p and the spirit
  7. brighty15

    NT What's Your Ringtone?

    sugarhill gang - apache jump on it
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