Recent content by cant break the unbreakable

  1. cant break the unbreakable

    Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

    ^What I was thinking. I think people using the word 'dark' describing the new Superman film might be a bad choice of words.  I'm thinking more real, or less campy.  From the description it seems like they're actually showing this Superman having internal conflicts with being Superman and he's...
  2. cant break the unbreakable

    Men's Hairline's

    What I was thinking... What others have said, just shave it off or cut it low.  If a chick ain't gonna give you yambs specifically cause of your hairline you don't need to mess with her in the first place. 
  3. cant break the unbreakable

    alcohol purchase anxiety

    Exactly.  I didn't even know this was an issue to anybody. 
  4. cant break the unbreakable

    Introducing the Microsoft Surface

    This tablet doesn't have any type of CD/DVD Tray built-in.  For you to do that you'd have to attach an external USB CD/DVD Drive.  But yeah you can rip/burn CDs/DVDs if you get that. 
  5. cant break the unbreakable

    :{ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Thread - In Theaters June 22, 2012 }:

    "If this Lincoln vampire movie is a hit I'm gonna do Martin Luther King ninja warrior ." - Chris Rock
  6. cant break the unbreakable

    Introducing the Microsoft Surface

    Exactly  I got an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Windows 7 laptop, and Xbox 360.  Enjoy all the products.   I haven't bought a new PC since 09 with Windows 7 though so I could see this being my next PC.  I'd get the Windows 8 Pro tablet and also install OS X Mountain Lion as a dual boot on it to also...
  7. cant break the unbreakable

    The End of the World vol. 2013

    This.  Will see on Craig Robinson's name alone.  Dude is just too funny. 
  8. cant break the unbreakable

    ...So Jay-z wants MORE of that Liquor money v. $$$$$

    Well played Jay, well played.  Figured Hov was gonna release another alcohol under his brand soon.  Especially after he got dethroned to #2 by Diddy for Hip-Hop's richest because of Ciroc alone.  
  9. cant break the unbreakable


    Agreed. Looking forward to this. 
  10. cant break the unbreakable

    Apple plans to crush carriers and offer direct mobile service, expert says (article)

    This makes no sense.  Apple makes hardware devices and software.  They're not like Google that tries to delve into every area of technology.  I'd half believe a story of Google wanting to be a mobile service before Apple. 
  11. cant break the unbreakable

    NIKE+ FUELBAND --- Nike's Big Announcement (1/19/12)

    Are you syncing it to your phone or NikePlus software FIRST then logging on the site?
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