Recent content by d money87

  1. d money87

    Car wheels question. Rims.

    Instantly thought of the thread where cam came out to find his car on cinder blocks
  2. d money87

    Post One Funny Simpson Moment

    Used to love this show when I was a kid
  3. d money87

    Sig help anyone?

    No difficulties signing in and out... So far knock on wood
  4. d money87

    Sig help anyone?

    Yah I've tried everything it's not showing but if I switch to my old one it works
  5. d money87

    Sig help anyone?

    Oh so others are having the problem. @Iyen I tried this but no luck
  6. d money87

    Sig help anyone?

    Well for starters I don't see forum option under settings but when I go to the signature setting page everything looks how it should. I remember having this problem when I first made my sig years ago
  7. d money87

    Sig help anyone?

    Hopefully this topic doesn't get me in trouble... But I tried to change my sig today and it doesn't really seem to be working anyone know why this might be. I wanted a more up to date sig that better represented me
  8. d money87

    What are people thinking when naming their kids?

    talked to several girls with the name Cinnamon lol
  9. d money87

    UPDATE Chicken McNugget Sold on ebay for $8,100 + shipping.

    the things people spend money on... unreal
  10. d money87

    Would you struggle on $350,000 a year?

    I could be living extremely comfortable on about 50-60k... 350 No question!
  11. d money87

    Ha ha life, funny joke!! (Girl thread, pics this time!!)

    Can't believe op is still catching heat for the sign thread. I feel like that was ages ago. Who was the NTer who actually drove out there to investigate, then made a mountain dew can we had vote on. Ahhhhhh good times!
  12. d money87

    Oh how I love facebook blowouts...lulz

    Pretty funny either way
  13. d money87

    wrong check at a restaurant vol. what would you do?

    Sorry just trolling... But seriously I prob wouldn't have said anything props to you for being honest!
  14. d money87

    wrong check at a restaurant vol. what would you do?

    Was the waitress a male? I'm confused
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