Recent content by demimatt

  1. demimatt

    Korean girls... why stay away from them?

    Welp, I havent posted on NT in friggin years nor read the forums but this thread caught my eye. Reasons to date korean girls: Super hot Amazing in bed Will have dinner on the table Reasons not to date korean girls: Read above at all posts. Honestly they are drama in a half, no matter what...
  2. demimatt

    Korean girls... why stay away from them?

    Welp, I havent posted on NT in friggin years nor read the forums but this thread caught my eye. Reasons to date korean girls: Super hot Amazing in bed Will have dinner on the table Reasons not to date korean girls: Read above at all posts. Honestly they are drama in a half, no matter what...
  3. demimatt

    Nike Air Force 1 Low HTM 08 Brown & Black

    ive always wanted a pair of blacks, and there are never any for sale, so most likely?
  4. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    ima be online right now, rets pray!
  5. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    west coast folks ima be on in a bit. like 15 minutes (its 443pm now) Add me if you hvnt, ive added the majority of west coast players! PM me for any problems
  6. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    GG's to steve! And i forget whoelse joined us. And btw i added everyone on the list from california, so add me please! Anyone else on nt PM me if you want me to add you!
  7. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    omg so0o many wii codes! Well ill be working on addding all of the westcoast people this week. So be patient my friends! BTW THE NAMES DEMI, NOT DEIM!
  8. demimatt

    how long do u wear ur kicks each day?

    approximately 37 minutes bi hourly.
  9. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    Demi West Coast 545590873616
  10. demimatt

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

    WEST COAST DEMIMATT (DEMI)- im too lazy to check and write down my 37 digit wii #
  11. demimatt

    got a traffic ticket, officer wrote down wrong license plate number = FREEBIE?

    ull get thrown out. I got a parking ticket and they didnt write down my plate # right. Its a state....possibly federal law that states that everything on theticket or charge must be 100% correct. I sent in a letter with a photo copy of my ticket saying the information is wrong and based on that...
  12. demimatt

    A Tribute Post For CO.JP's: Whats Your Fav CO.JP AF1/Dunk

    ^ The 99 BTTYS, were not co jps, but Hi Le's. My favs include mine below ^_^ Pro b's dont count either though. QUestions. do safari at1's count?
  13. demimatt

    My Quest to build an imperial AT-ST vol. Lego Star Wars (pics) no 56k

    I got bored of following the lego directions so i went custom with my ideas. LOL, but seriously, awesome stuff, i always wanna splurge at the lego store and buy all the Star Wars legos but then id be mad broke. Me=Huge Star Wars fan, so im jealous of your 1337 legos, good stuff!
  14. demimatt

    Does Anyone Dance at Clubs?

    i mostly go to indie rock, brit pop, electro clash, and 80s clubs so yeah i dance. The music is awesome and everyone is cool so i have a great time when i go.
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