Recent content by faint dj3

  1. faint dj3


    naw pending any setbacks I get my Sprint S3 this friday homie. Verizon is July. But Sprint and Tmobile is this weekend
  2. faint dj3

    THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

     Same thing for me. I went STRAIGHT for her. and im guessing Hershel son dies either way cause I picked him to survive and he died anyway.
  3. faint dj3

    Jennifer Love Hewitt on Conan RIGHT NOW, Edit: VIDEO IS UP

    about to go find and stalk her twitter. 
  4. faint dj3

    Who Here Has A "Good" Job With No College Degree VOL. 40K+

     my dude, i feel ya lol
  5. faint dj3

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

     word, i love the show and from what little i read from both of the posts was your problem with the editing among other things... but hey its a tough show to make, so much material and only less that 10hrs a season to produce.
  6. faint dj3

    For the past month or so, JIF and Nutella have been irrelevant to me... vol. COOKIE BUTTER

    looks great homes, ima cop this weekend. been looking for something different, and nutella is to """ for me
  7. faint dj3

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

    Yes please, I understood everything that happened this episode except this!!! %##???
  8. faint dj3

    Official Spartacus: Vengence thread - Epic Season Finale

    Well, Game of Thrones just ended, I got True Blood coming this week, Boarwalk Empire in the fall then Spartacus should be coming round 2013!!
  9. faint dj3

    video games that would scare the ____ out of you

    NOT TO SCARY but it was funnnnn!!
  10. faint dj3

    Anyone here who doesn't eat 3 meals a day?

     Yeah me too for the past year. I usually eat lunch at work, then start drinking at 6pm when I get dinner if I get the beer munchies. Ive started to work back out tho, no more everyday drunk
  11. faint dj3

    Stop calling us "Spanish"

    lol relax man.
  12. faint dj3


    I like, honestly all the sites piggyback off everyone else lol. but also check out
  13. faint dj3


    Yeah I just found this app yesterday!  On my 3rd Epic 4g and bricked my second one so I won't be rooting this one. But yeah no root needed FoxFi is great. Can't wait till they turn on LTE for Sprint cause ima pair my Galaxy S 3 with the $199 Nexus Tablet thats dropping in July!!
  14. faint dj3

    Narrow urethra and all.................

     team no pre-%$@
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