Recent content by focused22

  1. focused22

    Can you guys school me on wine?

    White wines usually go with Chicken, fish, some pastas... Red wines go with steak and red meats usually. Moscato isn't anything special, one of the cheaper wines that has been mainstreamed thanks to Hip-hop. Just ask your waiter or go to Google..... OR keep an eye out for local wine...
  2. focused22

    What's a decent paying job for a college student?

    Valet. At the right spot you can easily make $20/hr and upwards. ....I know.
  3. focused22

    Ways to get out of a speeding ticket once you have a court date?

    Just went in this morning for my arraignment and plead not guilty..... I have to go back in July now to see a judge. Everywhere I have read has said to plead not guilty due to the fact that it puts off your court date and you can possibly get lucky and have the police officer not show...
  4. focused22

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    I guess it all depends on what you define a friend as. Looking back at high school for example, I had a ton of people who I knew and would maybe play ball with after school. I guess then I considered them friends, but even then, most of them weren't people I would ever confide in or truly kick...
  5. focused22

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    Oh of course. Ill always say hey to people I used to be closer with and what not...... Im not trying to say I ignore them or be a **** when I cross paths with them.
  6. focused22

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    I'm 23, and I realize everyday how much smaller my inner circle has gotten. I'm not lonely by any means and I have plenty of acquaintances, but less true friends. I didn't burn bridges with anyone technically, but I just don't associate myself or kick it with people who don't have a similar...
  7. focused22

    The Official Nike Zoom Kobe VII Thread Vol. 2 - Home 3/31, Elites and PDFs

    The original Kobe VII thread was shut down or this thread would be over 1000 pages.
  8. focused22

    The Official Nike Zoom Kobe VII Thread Vol. 2 - Home 3/31, Elites and PDFs

    Any date set for the Black/Volt colorway to release? Havent heard much about them, but I must have them
  9. focused22

    Who's Fought a Speeding Ticket on here?

    Yeah in my situation the points aren't really an issue since these are my first ones in 8 years of driving. I just want the fine amount reduced.
  10. focused22

    Who's Fought a Speeding Ticket on here?

    Got caught doing 52 in a 35 MPH zone, so the cop claims. He waved me down so I don't know what radar he was talking about. It's my first ticket ever, and I've had numerous ppl tell me to go to court and fight it to get it reduced. Anyone had any success doing so?
  11. focused22

    Investment Banking - Anyone done it or Know Somebody Who Has?

    So basically I should just not even consider it if I'm not at any Ivy League school? I'll find a way....
  12. focused22

    Investment Banking - Anyone done it or Know Somebody Who Has?

    I still have about a year an a half left. I guess I shouldn't of said finishing up....ha. I'm somewhat close ...
  13. focused22

    Investment Banking - Anyone done it or Know Somebody Who Has?

    Finishing up my Finance degree soon and have been looking into this field recently. I'm aware of the long hours and what the job entails, but just want some information from a more primary source. Thanks!
  14. focused22

    For Anybody Going Through a Tough Time, I have some words for you....

    Good stuff guys. I appreciate it.
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