Recent content by hotteztsince88

  1. hotteztsince88


    this isnt really going anywhere so i'll throw my 2 cents in for no reason. i got DS am90 infrareds for $50. TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County BigCrumbs
  2. hotteztsince88


    not necessarily wearin heat, but i figured it was still appropriate. its Yung Berg wearin a DBTH tee....i could be terribly mistaken but i thought that crisone made those and distributed em on cris gettin big, or does somebody else make em? TeaM[center]GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of...
  3. hotteztsince88

    Team GA Sole: Report Immediately! 2nd UPDATE on pg. 4

    whats good...jus signin in cause i see my name was called out. well, the malls im usually at are Stonecrest, Gwinnett Place, and Lenox. i rock a sz 10, im 18, i go to CSU.....and theres a good possibility that im coolest member on this team. haha nah but i think the whole meetup thing is a great...
  4. hotteztsince88


    im 18 TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County BigCrumbs
  5. hotteztsince88

    Things to do in Montreal?

    things to do in Montreal...hmmm. pack up and move to America? ne ways just testing my sig in the most random area possible thanks TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County BigCrumbs
  6. hotteztsince88

    where's Hung?

    **edit** still testing. dont mind me i dont even kno what canada looks like TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County Shop on ebay? Go here to save some money <a...
  7. hotteztsince88

    OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

    ^^wow that last pic is just WILD @#%$ TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County
  8. hotteztsince88


    CAN SOMEONE ID THESE. got these for free from my friends dad. they're ds! sz 13 tho so im lookin for the flip. but i have no idea what im sellin or the price im sellin em for lol TeaM[center]GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince...
  9. hotteztsince88

    WDYWT Air Jordan Edition Vol. 2

    i dont get it, someone tell me what is this whole first page fame thing... guess its a good thing im on it even tho idk why its a good thing lol TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County
  10. hotteztsince88

    WDYWT Air Jordan Edition Vol. 2

    03 IE's .... wudup! TeaM[center]GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County
  11. hotteztsince88

    OG VII HARES wearable?

    someone had made a post about how to prepare your OG kicks to be worn. somethin like u start out wit just puttin em on and standin still then puttin em away, and do that however many times. then eventually it turns into taking steps in em and stuff. takes months though but it sounded like it'd...
  12. hotteztsince88

    RRthaKing23's Kix

    niccee collection. reminds me of where i want my jordan collection to be when i step it up lol TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County
  13. hotteztsince88

    ziegirl collection 1500posts heat? u decide vol i hate my sn

    hott collection, sick variety. looks like u cop what ur into as opposed to a bunch of hyped up joints...much respect TeaM GEORGIA SOLE Theres two kinds of guys--those who get laid, and those who dont. Member #7- The Prince Gwinnett County
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