Recent content by jumpman407

  1. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    There are pairs out there.
  2. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    It's moving so slow that I'm leaving and coming back. One of my boys in line are gonna hit me once we get close.
  3. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    Not sure, but there are some gaps in the numbers.
  4. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    Doesn't look like it. I have 579. I'm giving up the 886 and 887.
  5. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    I have 886 and 887 if someone is trying to get closer. I'm in the 5's. PM me if you're interested.
  6. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    My boy works for Jordan Brand out of Chicago and he said they have "a lot" releasing. He emphasized with all caps! He's responsible for the 32 state street store so the numbers must be astronomical. The fact that they gave out 1500 wristbands makes it seem that way.
  7. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    You're about to beat the store over the head. Save some heat for cats like me in the back yella bone. Haha
  8. jumpman407

    Jordan xx3 Trophy Room

    Yeah, I got there late too. If anybody has an extra band within the 500's I'd kindly take that off your hands for cash. I have two bands in the 800's. 
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