Recent content by kickz4me82

  1. kickz4me82

    Any 25 & over NTers Already In School Or Planning On Going Back?

    just started back up this last winter. thank you GI bill
  2. kickz4me82

    This Little Boy's Swag.....I Want That.

    Ladies do love a dancer
  3. kickz4me82

    Archer Appreciation .... vol. Black Turtleneck Swag .....

    unsupervised is a plesant surprise i like the show, but im more upset i missed last night shows..
  4. kickz4me82

    NT, how many of your real-life friends are NTers??

    none they just dont get it
  5. kickz4me82

    What's good with In and Out burger

    in & out >>>>>>>5guys anyday of the week. but the best burger ive had is the shake shack in NYC. and trust me it pains me to say it cause im from cali.
  6. kickz4me82

    Post your Twitter Vol. 2012

  7. kickz4me82


    who cares why someone would camp out? its not that big of a deal.
  8. kickz4me82

    Bacon Appreciation (PICS)

  9. kickz4me82

    It's Official

    what rate did you pick?
  10. kickz4me82

    Oakland RAIDERS OffSeason Thread

    really wish they where showing this game in the LA area
  11. kickz4me82

    Oakland RAIDERS OffSeason Thread

    really wish they where showing this game in the LA area
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