Recent content by kreizyidiot

  1. kreizyidiot

    Need help identifying these shoes?

    Yeah I noticed they look similar to the Kobe VI since I have a pair myself. Kobe shoes have always held to it's standards in the volleyball community. The two volleyball players that wore it for the world league this year is Micah Christenson and Reid Priddy. I even got as far as facebook...
  2. kreizyidiot

    Need help identifying these shoes?

    It does look those you posted but it seems as though the front to box is all made of fabric....
  3. kreizyidiot

    Need help identifying these shoes?

    Hey guys! First time poster here, not sure if this belongs in this thread, but I'll give it a try. I have been searching for this pair of shoes for the last few months, but I could not find it. I spoke to Nike customer rep., 3 of them, but none of them were able to find out which pair of shoes...
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