Recent content by marsiv

  1. marsiv

    12 Years A Slave (Film) - Starring Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Chiwetel Ejiofor - 10/18/13

    Shut up... Besides the fact that movies about slavery make up less than 1% of films with a black actor in a leading role, it seems that you're only acknowledgeding films about slaves as "the only way black people can get real film work".
  2. marsiv

    Is there anything huge that society has managed to erase from history?

    How many people know the word "genocide" was coined to describe the Armenian Genocide? If you want to learn about the real history of America, read "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn.
  3. marsiv

    Is there anything huge that society has managed to erase from history?

    The fact that Columbus is taught and praised the way he is, is a joke. He wasn't even the first European to discover America. And as a white man, I'm embarrassed by our history in regard to the AA community.
  4. marsiv

    You just have to lose a little faith in humanity everyday vol. Nazi uniforms

    I thought it was illegal to name your child Adolf Hitler?
  5. marsiv


    But Gene Simmons doe....
  6. marsiv

    Supreme Court ruling: Police can take DNA from you when arrested

    A lot of police departments are starting to require degrees. Stop trying to always make this about race. Don't put your self in a bad situation and you won't have to worry about this effecting you.
  7. marsiv

    Best Gamewinner in NBA History? vol. Mr. Bean

    The Kobe shot on Portland always sticks out in my head because of the degree of difficulty.
  8. marsiv

    Police shoot unarmed man in back of head 5 times

    As someone who has been in combat, I can tell you auditory exclusion and tunnel vision play a huge factor in real life. Especially in CQB. Police are taught just the basics of that. So it's not hard to contemplate that things didn't happen just like you see in the movies or video games. Nothing...
  9. marsiv

    Why do movie studios still green light M.Night movies? After Earth 13% RottenTomatoes

    Dude is always trying to play the race card :lol. it's pathetic at this point.
  10. marsiv

    Help me choose a new tablet NT

    I hear you.. Retina seems just like a bonus. I've heard people say youtube and other streaming apps buffer a little slower on the mini. That's the main reason why I was holding out, to see if the next one had more RAM. Plus a better camera.
  11. marsiv

    Help me choose a new tablet NT

    I cant see it being more than $350 for the new mini.. anymore and it would be the same price as a regular iPad.
  12. marsiv

    Help me choose a new tablet NT

    Probably fall.. I've been holding out for it.
  13. marsiv

    Help me choose a new tablet NT

    Wait for the new iPad mini. I'm assuming it'll have retina and more ram.
  14. marsiv

    none of ya seen Cam'ron's new Movie Percentage on Netfkix? vol. we need new killa cam gifs b.

    Dude's a lame and a corny *** raper. For your sake I hope you're trolling.
  15. marsiv

    Anyone cop that new Galaxy Fatkini? Vol. SOLD OUT Vol. Which NTer is this?

    I wonder where the black hole is?
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