Recent content by nigel1256

  1. nigel1256

    Losing the B-Card before the V-Card

    gberdin. im not lookin @ dem pinkberry chicks the same way.
  2. nigel1256

    How about a Post your MODDED car thread? vol. ?

    It's nice to see German cars in here as well
  3. nigel1256

    Removing a dogs tail. Docking. Methods?

    leave the dog alone. smh @ people doin stuff like this.
  4. nigel1256

    How about a Post your MODDED car thread? vol. ?

    ^ you took that pic at the valencia town center. lulz.
  5. nigel1256

    Wheres Juvenile?

    My fav line from that song ha.
  6. nigel1256

    How many miles does your car have? Vol. 200k in 10 Years

    00 Prelude. 'bout to hit 100k
  7. nigel1256

    Post 3 females you would instantly WIFE vol.1

    HAHA at these guys posting Cathy Nguyen. her voice is pretty amazingly awesome. 1.Alba 2.Nathalie Kelley 3.Cassie Steele 4. cathy nguyen??
  8. nigel1256

    NEW Topgear Season 13 Vol. STIG is Revealed !!!!

    I was like "lol que?!?!" when i saw this episode. I'm pretty sure it's Collins. The prior stig (black suit) revealed his identity in a book he wrote, and because of this he was "terminated". Schumi could probably destroy people in F1 still. agreed?
  9. nigel1256

    Formula 1 2009 Post ~ Briatore leaves Renault; team won't dispute charge

    It's nice to see Ferrari getting their act back together. Just a tad late though.
  10. nigel1256

    Favorite X-MEN?????? pics

    deadpool and emma frost > all
  11. nigel1256

    Better Car to Get?

    tl 6mt win..
  12. nigel1256

    if you had $13,722 to buy 9 things for your house what would they be?

    congrats on the house man. listen to dirty. hes sayin all the right things. dont buy POS furniture, get stuff that will last so you dont have to worry buying another if it breaks from lack of quality.
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