Recent content by ninjavibe

  1. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Great to hear that so many of you remember my site from way back... I remember when I started it in 1997 and there were really NO other AJ sites out there. Today... well, it's a different ball game ;-)
  2. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Great to hear that so many of you remember my site from way back... I remember when I started it in 1997 and there were really NO other AJ sites out there. Today... well, it's a different ball game ;-)
  3. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    sorry... but this is one thing I cannot do. All new pictures have a white background and it used to take such a long time to vignette the pics to the dark background. Actually that's one of the reasons for me not updating the old site that often. It consumed too much time. Also we wanted to...
  4. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    sorry... but this is one thing I cannot do. All new pictures have a white background and it used to take such a long time to vignette the pics to the dark background. Actually that's one of the reasons for me not updating the old site that often. It consumed too much time. Also we wanted to...
  5. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Yes, it sure has. I was kind of uncertain if I should release it before everything was finished, but I decided to do so... Right now I'm only scratching the surface... there's so many more pics and much info to add. Right now I'm working myself through another 3000 pictures. So do visit it from...
  6. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Yes, it sure has. I was kind of uncertain if I should release it before everything was finished, but I decided to do so... Right now I'm only scratching the surface... there's so many more pics and much info to add. Right now I'm working myself through another 3000 pictures. So do visit it from...
  7. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Yes, it is. And actually way back in 1997 it used to be Bulls Red ;-) This time we went with white though. Saves us a whole lot of time not having to place the pictures on blue or red background... Hope you like it.
  8. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Yes, it is. And actually way back in 1997 it used to be Bulls Red ;-) This time we went with white though. Saves us a whole lot of time not having to place the pictures on blue or red background... Hope you like it.
  9. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Thanks so much for all your nice comments. Be sure to check the site every now and then. I will add info and features continously. Thanks again.
  10. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Thanks so much for all your nice comments. Be sure to check the site every now and then. I will add info and features continously. Thanks again.
  11. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Hi all, Well... it took a few years but now the new site is up ;-) There is still a lot of info missing, but I will keep adding the stuff from the old site during Feb-March. After that I'll focus on adding features and some other things. Oh... and I changed the name as well.
  12. ninjavibe

    Relaunch of

    Hi all, Well... it took a few years but now the new site is up ;-) There is still a lot of info missing, but I will keep adding the stuff from the old site during Feb-March. After that I'll focus on adding features and some other things. Oh... and I changed the name as well.
  13. ninjavibe new site coming OCTOBER!!

    Hi guys, haven't been on NikeTalk for a long time now... but made my way here to see if anyone had noticed that I'm on my way to launch a new version I know, I know, it's been ages since I updated the site. And I'm sorry about that. I just had too much to do with my daytime...
  14. ninjavibe

    Air Jordan Laser 4 Production Dates and Information Needed

    JRose, Thanks for doing this... I'll be sure to add all the info on the site... And to all of you... I'm so sorry for not keeping the site updated more frequently... I'm in a phase of my life right now that just doesn't give me the time to work as much with the site as I would like to...
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