Recent content by ntid1

  1. ntid1

    Best Earbud Headphones Under $50 ?? Vol. Beats are for kids

    I second this Just bought the MEElectronic M6 for working out and the sound is pretty good but the quality is SUPERB....especially for the price
  2. ntid1


    Not Sure how this was a comedy like the director said.....def Interesting and wierd/ ayooo
  3. ntid1

    the Huntsville 9 prostitution ring vol. who would you pick? :/

    Stuff like this  proves that men will fukc ANYTHING.........I make a promise to my self i will never fall into this kind of desperation.......and especially paying for it....them broads are ayooo!! NO BUENO
  4. ntid1

    Simple Pick Up Vol. Starcraft Geeks

    Those got to be some of the most easy going women I've ever seen..........alot of them stood there and listened to the stuff these guys had to say.......
  5. ntid1

    Simple Pick Up Vol. Starcraft Geeks

    Those got to be some of the most easy going women I've ever seen..........alot of them stood there and listened to the stuff these guys had to say.......
  6. ntid1

    Simple Pick Up Vol. Starcraft Geeks

    Those got to be some of the most easy going women I've ever seen..........alot of them stood there and listened to the stuff these guys had to say.......
  7. ntid1

    Simple Pick Up Vol. Starcraft Geeks

    Those got to be some of the most easy going women I've ever seen..........alot of them stood there and listened to the stuff these guys had to say.......
  8. ntid1

    Dressing better

    Dude theses are soo sexy.......where to cop??? I dont know where I've been but these boats shoes are killing especially the high cuts.......What other places sell them?
  9. ntid1

    Dressing better

    ##+???Whats taking so long NEED INFO NOW!!! a hightop boat
  10. ntid1

    FInd this sample PLZ!!!!

    Can someone find who makes this beat or who currensy is sampling it from
  11. ntid1

    POST YOUR COLOGNE (or perfume) vol. pics & descriptions or %$%#

    HAHAHAH this is sooo true.......Im Haitian and BOTH me and my dad have this cologne
  12. ntid1

    Official Pokemon thread. Vol: we really need one.

    Is anybody willing to buy the old cards.....cuz i still have mine
  13. ntid1


    Can we get a name????????????
  14. ntid1

    The "smell good" thread: The Axe just ain't sharp enough

    Yooo wats really good????? I never new this existed...........what stores carry this??
  15. ntid1

    SMH at cold sores!!!???

    DUde jus get some L-lysine pills and put ice on it.....................
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