Recent content by nycgame

  1. N

    Still have an inaccurate post count or join date? We've got you covered.

    Wow so If my name is off by one syllable I can't get my post count back ?  Unbelievable. I submitted on 8/21 of this forum. I'll IM you but I doubt this is going to do any good. Had I know all of this was going to happen in one day I would have took all the painstaking work needed to make an...
  2. N

    whats the meanest thing a girl has said or done to you?

    Real life trollin 
  3. N

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    I feel the same way with fedora's I would love to rock a straw one but I just know with my style it doesn't fit. The 2 people that pull this off well are white girls and street dudes from LA 
  4. N

    Fluoride in water, and how to decalcify and healthify your body Vol. As told by my future ex-wife

    I've read a study that Fluoride does nothing as far as preventing tooth decay. (how many people use fluoride toothpaste who still get cavities) On top of that Fluoride is meant as a topical usage not something you en jest as in put in water. Dentist regurgitate the same garbage they were...
  5. N

    Still have an inaccurate post count or join date? We've got you covered.

    I wonder if anybody past the third page actually got their post count corrected. I must have posted in here 4 times and still nothing. then they make the buy sell forum 300 + post to sell. I'm gonna just forget about selling on this site and go to ebay or ISS. This is the worst change to...
  6. N

    post your dresser/nightstand

    I was wondering the same thing about the shoe pyramid LOL
  7. N

    Official Fall/Winter Coat Thread

    I want a light rain jacket that is made of canvas cotton or cotton that either comes waxed or that I can wax myself with a hood in like a cream or olive green color. Toggle buttons would be nice but are optional. But no stores ever have stuff like that
  8. N

    Official Fall/Winter Coat Thread

    I saw a vest like that same tweed design at my local mall gap it was in the mens section.
  9. N


    Doing good rarely. It's hard to see the cream of the crop when about 65 percent or more of the departments are filled with rejects and psycho's. They are out there I know of two personally.
  10. N

    post your dresser/nightstand

    damn nobody bit. I'll do so
  11. N


    Waiting to here from the NT elite, that the kid deserved it for running into the cop car. *come on trolls I know you're out there Lurkin*
  12. N

    NYPD shoots and kills another innocent man

    What doesn't this guy defend, slap a PD sign on oj simpsons forehead and he would probably dodge jail for a second time, he don't need johnny. 
  13. N

    5'10" 220lb Teacher beat up by 4'2" 50lb six year old student

    I'm taking notes, some big bully dude come up to me looking for a fight, drop kick him right in the kneecaps, not so intimidating while he hobbling around trying 
  14. N

    As if the police haven't given people enough reasons to hate them

    That was like a punch / clothesline combo  I'm not a white knight, but that was excessive force anybody agreeing with police in this situation should be beaten with electric batons.
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