Recent content by raise the cup

  1. raise the cup

    School me on how to "fake" an ankle injury....

    Someone needs to wipe him off the face of the planet already.
  2. raise the cup

    School me on how to "fake" an ankle injury....

    Someone needs to wipe him off the face of the planet already.
  3. raise the cup

    Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

    100% Truth Also,  constantly work on your friendships. Don't let your close friends slip away.
  4. raise the cup

    Posters 25 and up...Drop some lesson's you've learned about life for the younger NTer's

    100% Truth Also,  constantly work on your friendships. Don't let your close friends slip away.
  5. raise the cup


    Mosley with the upset *puts flame suit on*
  6. raise the cup


    Mosley with the upset *puts flame suit on*
  7. raise the cup

    OFFICIAL 2010-11 NHL SEASON THREAD ... Regular season has ended. Visit Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread.

    Datsyuk delivers once again folks. Now it's time to put together a string of wins. Winged wheel are you still of HF?
  8. raise the cup

    OFFICIAL 2010-11 NHL SEASON THREAD ... Regular season has ended. Visit Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread.

    Not sure if any of you are on HF BOARDS , but I came across a video that a member put together over there. My favorite player + my favorite group = 
  9. raise the cup

    OFFICIAL 2010-11 NHL SEASON THREAD ... Regular season has ended. Visit Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread.

    Pavs with the "Gordie Howe Hat Trick" . The Modano line looked solid and it will be great if he contributes the entire season.
  10. raise the cup

    OFFICIAL 2010-11 NHL SEASON THREAD ... Regular season has ended. Visit Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread.

    What the hell is wrong with this message board when I try to post something?
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