Recent content by so fresh and so clean

  1. so fresh and so clean

    New Common Album 'Invincible Summer' Info

    Really? REALLY??? People have different opinions but damn, pretty much everyone would agree that their collaboration is the best thing to happen toCommon's career in the past 5 years. The entire BE album was ill!
  2. so fresh and so clean

    {{ Grand Theft Auto IV Music Soundtrack Thread }}

    When I put on classics and I heard Nas on Live at the BBQ I was like
  3. so fresh and so clean

    No Country for Old Men...... SOMEONE EXPLAIN......

    I think the last scene is brilliant. When he says, "Then I woke up", we wake up from this mini-daydream and we're floored by howwe were manipulated. Then we say "oh no, this is where the movie's going to end isn't it?" Then the credits roll and you're dumbfoundedby what just happened. Not...
  4. so fresh and so clean

    Introduce your pix...I'll start...

    I'm 15 in this pic, 16 now, it's a lame school pic. I look like I'm laughing and squinting, but it was the only one I could find. Nice pics everyone. "The resident evil specialize in misconstruing/We wanna be at a presidential level -- what are we doing?/Foolin ourself, clownin ourself, playin...
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