Recent content by stackz

  1. stackz

    Soooo...Drake and Meek Mill Fought/Hit Chris Brown at my homies party tonight

    Idk...that Punk'd episode kind of gave me an idea of how Drake would react in any type of conflict. 
  2. stackz

    Soooo...Drake and Meek Mill Fought/Hit Chris Brown at my homies party tonight

    Don't know if this has been posted already but�!
  3. stackz

    Apple 2012 keynote : live blog link pg 1

    RIP 17inch MBP 
  4. stackz

    CDC Warns Untreatable Gonorrhea is On the Way

    Plain and simple.
  5. stackz

    I dun goof'd Vol. FTA

    Gonna get this handled but real talk i'm kinda shooked. Im not about that jail life  Anybody know if theirs jail time required for this??
  6. stackz

    I dun goof'd Vol. FTA

    A company I worked for recently did a background check on me. I received a letter today saying that I have a Failure to appear misdemeanor on my record from a ticket I got in 08. I do remember trying to get an extension on the court date online but nothing came up. I thought the cop must've let...
  7. stackz

    How old is your sn? Vol. I

    3 Years old (4/21/09)
  8. stackz

    Cardigans and Cigars Clothing Vol...

    First off, congrats on pursuing your dream. I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while and I might just go through with it too. The tees and sweater look pretty dope. I would work on some of the designs a little more though. Maybe add a couple more things and it'll be good...
  9. stackz


    05 Air Force 1's  Tall tees Throwbacks 
  10. stackz

    Really would you shave your head like this

    nah looks more like 
  11. stackz


    Damn bro. Wish you the best. Keep your head up! 
  12. stackz

    Today I am Bruce Wayne...Vol: Feels Batman (Bit lengthy)(Pic)

    %!% happens.   My dude even got the ticket in his avy
  13. stackz

    First Sasha Grey, now Gina Carano

    Gina Carano or not 
  14. stackz

    By bundle of joy arrived!

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