Recent content by stick3256

  1. stick3256

    Top Five Most Anticipated Rap Albums in 2010?

    no love for madvillainy 2?
  2. stick3256


    when u say u just got them in the mail, did u buy them or get them for free or what? CAROLINA TAR HEELS NATIONAL CHAMPS!!! turn it blue
  3. stick3256

    Official Nike Shox VC IV Post --Information + Pictures

    :eek at the carolinas. and thanks phoenixmolochia i just didnt pay that much attention to them i guess NJ NETS 2 time Eastern Conference champs UNC Tar Heels 05 national champs
  4. stick3256

    Official Nike Shox VC IV Post --Information + Pictures

    what happened to the vc logo that was on the VC I, and im not sure if it was on any other vc shox? anyone now when nike stopped using it, and why?
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