Recent content by tn123

  1. tn123

    Official "Going to Vegas in..." Vol. II "It was time"

    So another question... Cosmo comped me a city room for thursday/friday/saturday nights.. If I do the 20 dollar tip at check in what are the chances they give me terrace fountain view?  Any tips or suggestions will be the first time I try it
  2. tn123

    Official "Going to Vegas in..." Vol. II "It was time"

    And does anyone have a hook up for promoters or anything? I'm trying to go to Wet Republic on Sat for Calvin Harris and I want a table but I'm trying to keep the price reasonable. I would do 2k, last year I called and they said 12k which was outrageous.
  3. tn123

    Official "Going to Vegas in..." Vol. II "It was time"

    Does anyone have any offer codes for Cosmo? Trying to go this thursday- sunday 7/14 -7/17.. Would be highly appreciated or if there is any place I can find codes.
  4. tn123

    Programming/Coding iPhone Apps vol.. learning

    Hey there any fellow nters can point someone out in the direction of where to learn how to make/code iPhone apps... I'm trying to pic up a new skill and I think this would be beneficial... I checked out codeacademy but those are paid classes and cost 14k.. Anywhere to learn by yourself for free...
  5. tn123

    whats worse team jordans or poorman air maxes

    the ppl who worry about whats worse team jordans or poorman air maxes 
  6. tn123

    Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

    SORRY I"m a little late but HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. Where are the people saying she would beat floyd in a fight? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Where are the people saying that she would take down floyd and break his arms or choke him out...
  7. tn123

    Taking a #2 vol. Proper Etiquette

    This came across my mind using the bathroom the other night.. Whats the proper etiquette or the proper way to take a #2.. so many questions like DO you throw the toilet paper into a trash bin or into toilet bowl? Sometimes I walk into places and its don't throw into toilet bowl but in my home...
  8. tn123

    Work @ Facebook or Twitter?

    I don't even see how this is a question OP. You go with FB and never look back. It has the better CEO, better business models, more money in banks/stocks with greater purchasing power for future endeavors. 
  9. tn123

    For the millenials here, have you given up on getting rich yet?

    That's cool and all but those are your sales. What is your profit margin? Many businesses have high sales but very little to no profit margin or aren't profitable for a long time.
  10. tn123

    School me on Leasing a Car please

    Actually I am going to be writing off my car for business first of all.. Secondly I can make 25-30k work better for me than spending it all at once on a car. If that makes any sense
  11. tn123

    School me on Leasing a Car please

    great input bro. How do you come to the conclusion that I have failed exactly.
  12. tn123

    School me on Leasing a Car please

    I'm not copping anything because I don't want to, and no I am not getting a luxury car. I want something for 300 or less that is reliable.. I like to live within or below my means got bigger goals than having a nice car  I am just wondering what other costs are besides the monthly payments
  13. tn123

    School me on Leasing a Car please

    I'm not looking to get anything crazy, I just want a new car that works because my car is having a lot of issues.  I don't drive much and I'm looking at the 12k miles per year thing and I think I can handle 1k a month of driving. I'm at the like 850 range now.
  14. tn123

    School me on Leasing a Car please

    Hey guys I have questions about leasing and the costs associated with it.. So I own a car and it keeps having issues so I want to sell it and probably lease a car now.  But what are the costs associated with leasing? Like I pay upfront some cash and then monthly payments but what else? Do I...
  15. tn123

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

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