Recent content by treboro01

  1. treboro01

    best assists you've seen .... post yours .....

    Good Ol' Chuck...
  2. treboro01

    best assists you've seen .... post yours .....

    Good Ol' Chuck...
  3. treboro01

    P90X Discussion

    Man this happened to me recently, i was just wrapping up week 3 and then i sprained my ankle pretty bad. Dr. said i have to wear a walking boot for 2 more weeks. So did you start over from day one?? how hard was plyo with that ankle even though it was healed up?
  4. treboro01

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I got a quick question for you guys. So i just wrapped up the 3rd week of P90X last week, then i sprained my ankle severely, grade 3 to be exact. The Dr. said that i have to wear a non-weight bearing boot for 3 weeks. So do you guys think i should start from day 1 again after im all healed up???
  5. treboro01

    Official Seattle Seahawks (4-2) @ Oakland Raiders (3-4) Game Thread 4:15 EST

    Let's Go HAWKS!!! I was hoping we were gonna bust out the throwback jerseys this season since we're playing against our old AFC West rivals.
  6. treboro01

    Official Seattle Seahawks (4-2) @ Oakland Raiders (3-4) Game Thread 4:15 EST

    Let's Go HAWKS!!! I was hoping we were gonna bust out the throwback jerseys this season since we're playing against our old AFC West rivals.
  7. treboro01

    30 for 30 where?

    If You guys got comcast it should be on demand in the sports and fitness section
  8. treboro01

    Male Snow Boarders/Skiers I Have A Question....

    you might wanna check out big 5 or sports authority first. they should have some on sale now.
  9. treboro01

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

    LMAO!!!! Chad he smashed the homies!!!
  10. treboro01

    UPDATE 10/3 got it: Free Free Free HBO for Comcast customers for 12 months FREE FREE FREE

    Yeah she said the same thing to me. I tried calling multiple times with multiple seattle/federal way area codes but no dice.
  11. treboro01

    UPDATE 10/3 got it: Free Free Free HBO for Comcast customers for 12 months FREE FREE FREE

    has anyone from seattle/federal way area tried it? if so what zip code did u all use? thanks in advance.
  12. treboro01


    This one... all day...
  13. treboro01

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    Nice pictures everyone... Here's my tiny contribution... My goddaughter...
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