Recent content by volocity26

  1. volocity26

    Why do you still buy J's?

    because i can
  2. volocity26

    Jordan Brand is full of it.

    Vintage collectors have been dealing with retros of their OG forever, let them have their NikeAir logo and worry about ur own collection.
  3. volocity26

    JORDAN COLLEZIONE 16/7 (Pic) update pg. 17,22,23,24

    definite pass on these, spend enough money on CDPs alrdy
  4. volocity26

    How hard will it be to find the 2008 OLYMPIC 6s?

    Like finding hay in a haystack
  5. volocity26

    Air Jordan Fusion XX Pics

    Wow. Just wow... those look like some fake BAPEs you can find at ur local Korean market
  6. volocity26

    Releasing All Retro Jordans...

    Can't wait til JB announces the re-retro infrared VIs Been awhile since they dedicated a year for VIs but Carmines were BTW... Olympic VIs
  7. volocity26

    Jordan 6 Ring *New Pics*

    TY JB for taking all the best pieces of their Js and making the Frankenstein of all Jordans
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