Recent content by zero th3 hero

  1. zero th3 hero


    Pretty recently -levis, black and white shirt and the hat from crossroads on the haight. -stussy shirts -waterproof jacket -air safaris and sample pumas can anyone tell me if this is a real supreme hat? i found it in a used clothes store Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the...
  2. zero th3 hero


    ^^ i dont understand those glasses kanye west has on. do they actually protect his eyes from the sun? or does he need them to read, cause it looks like clear glass. Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up...
  3. zero th3 hero


    ^^ Nice methamphibians. i wish i could afford those. Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he, too, could shoot college students. " - Thank You For Smoking
  4. zero th3 hero

    Graffiti Showcase/ Show me your black books!

    ^^ broccoliavenger what do you use for the colors? Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he, too, could shoot college students. " - Thank You For Smoking
  5. zero th3 hero

    Graffiti Showcase/ Show me your black books!

    Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he, too, could shoot college students. " - Thank You For Smoking
  6. zero th3 hero

    Check your AVATAR and SIGNATURE Size - Don't get banned.

    is my avatar okay? just checkin Wanted (size.9): Air Max 90's, 1's "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he, too, could shoot college students. " - Thank You For Smoking
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