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  1. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    Lets recap. Ravens had better: -Defense as a whole (by a lot) -Running game (by a good amount too) -Coaching (by a good amount) Cowboys had better: -Wide Receivers (by a good amount) Cowboys and Ravens were similar in: -Offensive line But somehow, this doesn't mean that the Ravens have...
  2. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    No where did I say that those guys compare to Dez, Witten and Owens....I simply stated they are no slouches.  And LOL at you using the fact that Boldin never went over 1000 yards as a Raven as a way to prop up Flacco, when Boldin has gone over 1000 yards in every single healthy year of his...
  3. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    He hasn't though.  Like I already addressed, Flacco's OLine was almost always better.  Baltimore's running game with Ray Rice and Willis McGahee was almost always better.  Sure, the Cowboys receivers have been better, but the Ravens have always had quality receivers, apart from maybe Flacco's...
  4. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    Up until this year, havent the Ravens had a better offensive line every single year that Flacco has been in the league?  And better like far better?
  5. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    How about the fact that Romo's teams have been in the top half of the NFL in defense 3 times in his 10 year career, while Flacco's Ravens have been in the top half of the NFL in defense all but one year of his career, and often times in the top 10 or 5? Does that not matter at all?
  6. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    This is one of the things that bothers me most about your line of reasoning. You choose to discount his stats by taking out the outlier of his rookie year (because he had terrible stats), yet you are perfectly ok with using his rookie year record in the playoffs to prop up your argument. Once...
  7. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    Dude WTF?  Would you have preferred I used QBA and QBB?  Has absolutely nothing to do with fantasy football, "kid."  I was simply taking the players' names out of the equation. SMFH.
  8. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    So basically, you are saying that QB1, who basically dominates QB2 in almost every single measurable statistic, is the worse QB of the two because QB2's team success trumps QB1's? Solid logic.
  9. roorswervin

    How far have you travelled to get some yambs?

    What is the longest distance (miles or travel time), that you have gone just to get some action?  Any stories about your experience? Worth it?
  10. roorswervin

    QB THREAD - 2x quarterbacky award winner: Lamar Jackson

    I'm hoping Rivers' season last year was actually him showing he was back. Because he looked awful in week 1.
  11. roorswervin

    NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

    Their fans have gotten a little more level headed with their QBs over the years.  However, they do amp up everyone else.  We heard it with Rolando Mcclain.  We heard it with Hayden last year.  We are hearing it with Khalil Mack (although I actually think he is as good as Raider fans do...but we...
  12. roorswervin

    2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

    Your (note the proper use of the word) 6th favorite player IN THE SHOW is a football player who never made it further than Single-A baseball, and its ME that has trouble hiding my emotions? Got it.
  13. roorswervin

    2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

    The hell?  Putting aside that I have no idea how you came to the conclusion I was "mad" with a one word post, what on earth would I have to be "mad" about? Grow up.
  14. roorswervin

    Lindsey Lohan reveals the names of celebrities who have slept with her (big list)

    Thought it was interesting.  Lot of A-Listers on there. Benicio Del Torro made me laugh out loud.
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