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  1. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Damn nobody in Minny messes with Gobert at all. No high fives or anything after the breakaway dunk
  2. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Brooks dagger three sealed the W for the Grizz
  3. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    All kinds of turnovers down the stretch by the clips
  4. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Dray practicing his follow through already
  5. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Will every road team win tonight?
  6. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Not looking good for Memphis. Lakers might take this in 5
  7. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Starfox! C'mon Kangz get these old fogies outta here
  8. immaculate1

    Chicago Bulls Season Thread 2021-2022

    Ah yes, these are the underachieving Bulls we all know and love.
  9. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Welp better luck next year I guess. Hello darkness, my old friend.
  10. immaculate1

    LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

    Since when are subjective opinions wrong? :lol: I have bigger fish to fry at work instead of entertaining Bron stans on a sports forum. It's still hate-o'clock last I checked. His stat$ are more inflated than the American dollar.
  11. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Lmfao reverse jinx is real
  12. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Been a fan as a young teenager since the Jordan-led Bulls. Wouldn't even compare this squad to the Drose/Noah era or Butler/bench mob teams. I'm a masochist for sticking with them, last few seasons have been hella ugly. Might have to adopt other NBA teams like some folks around here :nerd...
  13. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    That lazy *** pass by Lavine sums up the season right there. Might as well take the dogs out for their walk at this rate
  14. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Twolves had their chance. They needed Edwards to at least be mid and didn't even get that. The open looks at the three evaporated in the fourth too, Lakers' defense came through in the clutch.
  15. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Towns...going to town.
  16. immaculate1

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Las Vegas Summer League

    Bulls vs Raptors let's go :emoji_triumph:
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