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  1. AirmaxVapormaxGuy

    Nike Air Force 270 - clicking - popping sound when walking.

    Hahaha horse shoe !! Totally sounds like that when I walk through the warehouse at my job. If you end up trying something and it works please share. I almost wanted to post the question in the thread above that in the 270 chat but on my Air Max 270 I don't have the popping , horse galloping sound.
  2. AirmaxVapormaxGuy

    Nike Air Force 270 - clicking - popping sound when walking.

    Too bad no one else has chimed in for more information. Going to hope it goes it away with time.
  3. AirmaxVapormaxGuy

    Nike Air Force 270 - clicking - popping sound when walking.

    I'm 220-230 and same problem. I haven't tried to push the "I" there to see for the sound but will check it out. Wonder if shaving down the letter would make any difference ? Wearing these is the only time I prefer to walk on carpet so that it doesn't make noise.
  4. AirmaxVapormaxGuy

    Nike Air Force 270 - clicking - popping sound when walking.

    I have the same popping noise happening with mine. I've searched everywhere and this was the only place to have brought up this issue. Even YouTuber reviews don't mention anything about it. Have you found a solution to the problem?
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