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  1. i am that dude


    My sister made money off this back when it was "in," and the market allowed it. It's not as easy as it was back then, but I think it can still be done, especially if you buy multiplexes (duplex, quadriplex, etc.) For example in my city, I saw a 6 plex for 179. It wasn't the nicest, was in a kind...
  2. i am that dude

    NT should I buy this house? 2000+ sq ft for 63k across from school, good neighborhood

    ^ Home Depot and Lowe's give free classes on the weekend. You can also watch the shows on HGTV and DIY, although at times they make #$%@ like TOO easy, in fact even have a show about that called Renovation Reality where normal people think they can save 20k by doing all this #$%@ themselves and...
  3. i am that dude

    NT should I buy this house? 2000+ sq ft for 63k across from school, good neighborhood

    ^ Home Depot and Lowe's give free classes on the weekend. You can also watch the shows on HGTV and DIY, although at times they make #$%@ like TOO easy, in fact even have a show about that called Renovation Reality where normal people think they can save 20k by doing all this #$%@ themselves and...
  4. i am that dude

    Athletic Propulsion Labs - paging BP

    The Concours remind me of the And 1 Drives. How does this technology though compare tot he Springbak insoles? Because I can vouch from experience that those work and they are only 20 bucks.
  5. i am that dude

    gilbert arenas' bbm setup

    KD did me the same way over some Skull Candy headphones. Them @%@+ cost like 30 bucks anyways, undoubtedly free in his case, he could have given it to me and the other person. I actually was first and had the more thorough answer. The question was about his Gatorade commercial, what is he...
  6. i am that dude

    So this lady I'm messin' with wants to do a threesome with me, her, and.....her sister......

    Those pictures look very rightclickedfromfacebook-y
  7. i am that dude

    Scandinavian/Nordic Females Appreciation vol. white, black, brown, yellow, they all good

    And my suspicions are confirmed, you posted all white women.
  8. i am that dude

    MTV Presents The Challenge: Fall 2011, Cast Spoilers (pg. 49)

    at how long it took them to realize it'd be easier if you moved in unison.
  9. i am that dude

    MTV Presents The Challenge: Fall 2011, Cast Spoilers (pg. 49)

    at how long it took them to realize it'd be easier if you moved in unison.
  10. i am that dude

    Real Talk, do you actually know a positive woman that isnt related to you?

    It's a lot more meaningful than "street smarts" or whatever nonsense people without formal education try to use to justify their lack thereof.
  11. i am that dude

    Real Talk, do you actually know a positive woman that isnt related to you?

    More typical NT chauvinist bs, and ironically most of it comes from black men. You know black women graduate college at a 12% higher clip, right? You can further add incarceration rates, graduation, and unemployment and it would seem likely that there must be positive women out there. Or we can...
  12. i am that dude

    gilbert arenas' bbm setup

    He does the giveaway every day, except when he's not at home. Most are 13s and 12s. SLAMED has won it twice.
  13. i am that dude


    The Black delegation is now accepting trade offers for 51and3rd
  14. i am that dude

    Scandinavian/Nordic Females Appreciation vol. white, black, brown, yellow, they all good

    Yea none of the pics are showing up for me since I'm at work but I wa thinking to myself, Scandinavian females anything other than white? Must investigate   
  15. i am that dude

    pros and cons on moving to hawaii

    cost of living among the highest in the nation
  16. i am that dude

    Is It Just Coincidence...

    worthless, in either direction you spell it. But at least one can fetch you your newspaper and help you pick up chics. The other doesn't do *+%@ but manage to absorb all the credit for everything good that happens in the world while somehow ducking any blame from the negative he allows to...
  17. i am that dude

    Is It Just Coincidence...

    Chew on their own balls, lick their own %!*, eat their own vomit, and can't be still in a truck
  18. i am that dude

    NT brothas, do you talk to white women? And if no, why not?

    It's hilarious how the same brothas who are quick to blow a gasket and get offended at the slightest comment they percieve as a negative generalization and therefore racist (even go so far as to get other brothas such as myself permabanned for it) are quick to do the same when it comes to black...
  19. i am that dude

    NT brothas, do you talk to white women? And if no, why not?

    they do. I be seeing bruthaz running around giving each other high fives like, "I did it! I achieved it!... I got a white girl!!" It's rampant on this board too in fact. @*#$ is hilarious. Pedistalization
  20. i am that dude

    Eating healthier.. Where to start?

    ^ what all do you put in your green smoothie? I've been trying to find a place for some good kiwi here but no dice so far. They be all dry.
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