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  1. muffinlover.jjb

    Why females shouldn't operate heavy machinery

    So...she *#!!+@ herself with it? Wow. When I first skimmed, I thought she was just like sitting on it because of the vibrations or something.
  2. muffinlover.jjb

    Is Megan Fox really that hot? [Pics]

    She is definitely very beautiful. As far as the comparisons to Angelina Jolie, I think that AJ is probably prettier. Why are Ciara and that very pale and unattractive girl posted in this thread? eew
  3. muffinlover.jjb

    COCO, stacy keibler, adraina lima

    EW, Coco really? She is hideous.
  4. muffinlover.jjb

    Good Places To Go Out To Eat For A Date?

    Noooo. Well I guess if she likes it that's ok, but if I were a guy I would never take a date to either of those places. Also on the list are places like RedLobster, Olive Garden, Applebee's, Cheesecake Factory, etc. Aim for someplace quieter, more romantic and personal, and not so chintzy.
  5. muffinlover.jjb

    Describe Your Type of Girl in 2 Words

    I prefer men but mine are: intelligent and attractive. I don't like one or the other, both are required.
  6. muffinlover.jjb

    16 Year Old Toddler vol. Forever Young

    I feel so bad for her and her parents. I watched the video about her and it doesn't seem that she will survive for a long time in her current condition.Although it's remarkable that she has made it to 16!
  7. muffinlover.jjb

    NT, My friend said this was the hardest question

    lol that Winnie the Pooh family should be ashamed of themselves. Even the baby.
  8. muffinlover.jjb

    NT, What's your favourite brand of gum?

    I also like that gum from 7-11 that like explodes and fizzes in your mouth. It's like grape Slurpee gum, I think? I used to get it all the time when I waslittle.
  9. muffinlover.jjb

    *_Revolutionary Road Appreciation Post_*

    My dad recommended this movie to me (which is saying a lot) but he said that it was pretty depressing...I'm actually about to go watch it!
  10. muffinlover.jjb

    NT, What's your favourite brand of gum?

    The Icebreaker ice cube kind.
  11. muffinlover.jjb

    What do you call your mom?

    Mama or mom.
  12. muffinlover.jjb

    What's The Pettiest $%$% You've ever gotten in trouble/yelled at for?

    I got spanked for kicking my little sister in the head unintentionally while doing a cartwheel. That *%!%$%% lied and said I just kicked her on purpose.
  13. muffinlover.jjb

    Who still wears Lacoste?

    I looove Lacoste polos. My bf has a million of them. They shrink really easily, though--more so than RL shirts. Burberry polos are the ugliest.
  14. muffinlover.jjb


    That's Japanese ^
  15. muffinlover.jjb


    Really? Is that what you call them? You're pathetic. Not only do you refer to a group of people as "chinos" (chinos is a type of pants by the way) but you're so weak of a man that you have to ask Niketalk (which I'm assuming you know no one on here) for advice as to what to eat for...
  16. muffinlover.jjb


    Mushu pork or hunan chicken. I usually just get shrimp fried rice, maybe an eggroll if I'm really hungry.
  17. muffinlover.jjb

    Why do women...??? Vol. 1

    Well to be fair, I only read the first post and no, I don't do any of those things. I want my boyfriend to enjoy being around me as opposed tohim thinking that I'm an annoying harpy.
  18. muffinlover.jjb

    Why do women...??? Vol. 1

    I agree. These girls sound really immature and annoying.
  19. muffinlover.jjb

    Cougar Thread...she must be over 40 (Crank Post Your Aunt)

    Ugh that fug pornstar and Janice Dickenson need to leave this thread.
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