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  1. billian

    School's out in some places, which means (add your own)

    -Work (ton of it) -Losing pounds and getting fit -Movies -Gonna try to read some books, but I'll end up gaming instead
  2. billian

    Modern Warfare 2

    Modern Warfare 2 is the game I'm most excited for this year, with Fight Night Round 4 and BioShock 2 being distant seconds. I am hoping we get a full trailer/gameplay footage reveal at E3 later this summmer.
  3. billian

    Anybody here still play Gears of War 2?

    Gears 2 really disappointed me. I was a huge fan of the first one (reason I bought a 360), and the net code for 2 seems worse than the original. However, Hordemode is still fun on insane, and if you can get 9 other of your friends together you can run customs and those are fun. At it's core I...
  4. billian

    NT, Best Book you've read

    I'll just replace "Best book" with "Favorite books" Blink Tipping Point Rainbow Six Executive Orders
  5. billian

    Jon Stewart rips into Cramer...

    The truth is: Cramer is such an extremely small component of this entire economic debacle that this entire back and forth during this week has felt forced andunnecessary. However, this was a really compelling interview to watch. I think Jon brought the pain a bit too harsh at times, but he...
  6. billian

    Who'd win in a fight You this year, or You last year?

    This year w/o a doubt...I've dropped about 70 pounds in the last year and have started working out regularly. Oh...and first post ever on NT.
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