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  1. eight2one

    "Turn a Walk of Shame into a Stride of Pride"

     Ive done that early morning walk/drive more times than I cound....most of the time I feel  but after those embarissingly drunk nights its more like 
  2. eight2one

    Girl problem...... updated w/ Pics pg2 another update pg 5

    Im about to be 24, and have never lived with a S/O....dont think ill ever be ready
  3. eight2one

    CBO: Buffett Tax would only bring in $47B over 10 years

    me too! I was like "man fat people are gonna be pissed!"
  4. eight2one

    girl advice thread vol. lol never though I'd make one

    if I get ignored twice.....I just hit the delete button.
  5. eight2one

    Help A Brother Out!!! Living In Northern Cali?!

    Campbell is nice, near San Jose...pretty clean...not to far off from everything
  6. eight2one

    Am I Being a Rat Vol. Roomates Using my TP

    sorta off topic, but i live in a house 4 of us, 3 bathroom....master bedroom, one downstairs, and one between and my other roommates room.....He locks the bathroom door to keep me out, like he owns that bathroom or ive sent angry text before, done a slightly better job..but still...
  7. eight2one

    Any NT'ers living the "forget what society thinks" lifestyle?

    I certainly do, I act often times as most people arent watching or just say the first thing that comes to my mind.
  8. eight2one

    Questioning what your friends/family would say about a chick u bring home....

    i am guilty of thinking of what my family would say....I like someone that has the looks/personality
  9. eight2one

    Jessica Buuuuuuuuurciaga!

  10. eight2one


    i drank so many 40oz between 18-21.... Would hit the liquor store and wouldnt even consider a case, just grab some 40s....funny how things hange as you get older.
  11. eight2one


  12. eight2one

    Spring Break

    I would would they know Im not a student?
  13. eight2one

    Window Tint in California

    exactly a year here as of today and I still have my Michigan tags...ive been pulled over 3 times, no issues...they just keep telling me to get a California Drivers license.....
  14. eight2one

    41-year old teacher abandons his family to move in with 18-year old former student

    Same town as Scott Peterson  Im all too familiar with Modesto 
  15. eight2one

    "Playing The Game" At Work/In The Office Setting

    it all boils down how you talk to people
  16. eight2one

    yo NT who ##%$$! hates people askin for ID when buying beer??

    I usually dont pull it out to see if theyll card me or not......I mean im 23 now, so it's irrelevant.... haha I tried to do buy soo much alcohol as a minor....60% sucess rate....especially if you know the right spots
  17. eight2one

    Anyone wanna explain how True religion jeans have thus survived this long?

    like stated before, I usually just older white folks, or jersey shore type Dbags rockin them.
  18. eight2one

    Spirit Airlines ? Is it that bad ?

    you def get what you pay for..... no leg room, feels like I'm on a grey hound....there's ads on the trays on the back of the seat and all along the overhead compartment... just pay the extra couple dollars for Southwest....Southwest>>>***(when it comes to bargain airlines)
  19. eight2one

    Barbershops closing early/not open on Sundays

    they should leave that one barber nobody ever goes to, to stay open after hours/sundays...Bet you he'll make bank then.
  20. eight2one

    Brethren, Where Do You Keep Your Cellular Phone When Showering At Shortys House? No PASSCODES

    maaaan, I went to go use the bathroom, and left shorty around my phone...i even gave her my passcode cuz I honestly didnt have anything to hide, plus I had just got the phone... I come back from the bathroom and she is acting hella strange....turns out she flipped out cuz my ex texted me...
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