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  1. do12jet

    Big Bear

    yeahhh wait #*# he has kids? damn, i was shocked when i found out he was 31 haha. i was thinking him and lawrence were both like 22 tops lol have i ridden with you before?
  2. do12jet

    Big Bear

    Jeuce, naw i'm devin i know a jeremy though and we kind of look similar when we board haha. i don't know if it's the same one you're thinking about though
  3. do12jet

    Anyone go to UCR?

    well, last year when my friend went there.. he said all he really did (other than schooling) was party, club, morongo, and snowboarding well. & the usual college life stuff. like dennys at 3am, starbucks, hookah bar, etc etc
  4. do12jet

    Anyone go to UCR?

    ^ it's a reject school when they hold expectations of going to yale or harvard haha
  5. do12jet

    Anyone go to UCR?

    if you're used to LA life or beach life, might be hard to adjust if you're dorming but if you're from the IE or the valley, you should be fine. i wouldn't choose to go to UCR over UCI, but it's still a good school. but anyway, like someone said earlier, just take a tour of the school to see...
  6. do12jet

    UCSB Question

    my friend got in with a GPA of 3.0 unweighted last year i don't know what his SATs were though, and he didn't have many extracurricular activites it could be different this year though, due to CA's infamous education budget
  7. do12jet

    Big Bear

    thanks guys. but yeahhhh hahaha. it's like your cheeks get ripped in separate directions rofl helmets are always good. even if you don't take rails or hit jumps, you can always get lazy and edge by accident. and if you right at summit or high during the night, there's always gonna be ice. so...
  8. do12jet

    Big Bear

    finally got some action shots.. not the best, but they're all i've got. still trying to break the board in. haha
  9. do12jet

    to my socal COLLEGE students!!!!! help an east coaster out!!!

    you may get kidnapped. and yeah UCI is a bit more difficult to get into than CPP, being that it is a UC opposed to a cal state. but with that said, it'll be more expensive as well
  10. do12jet

    Big Bear

    good thing i boarded all day today.. or whiskey would have made me BROKE no joke.
  11. do12jet

    to my socal COLLEGE students!!!!! help an east coaster out!!!

    nah not hard to get into UCI. as long as you have some extra currics. and a decent gpa (im guessing 3.2ish+) you'll be fine. we've been having budget cuts though, so all of that might have changed within the year, but yeah.. i go to pomona btw. not sure how good we are for your major, but i...
  12. do12jet

    post your STICKER BOMBED Things vol. NO BUY/SEL/TRADE!!!!

    onlineWilderShoe, that's a versus sticker. and 650, usually, a stores online shop will have some. if not, ebay will have a few up.. and if you like company stickers (i.e. active, burton, rome, the hundreds, apple, etc etc), you can always email them saying blah blah you want...
  13. do12jet

    post your STICKER BOMBED Things vol. NO BUY/SEL/TRADE!!!!

    snowboarding helmet. gonna sticker up my boards soon.. if the threads still alive i'll post them up later
  14. do12jet

    Big Bear

    libtechs are pretty dope boards and as for the artifact, i'd only suggest getting it if you have another daily board artifact is pretty much meant for mainly jibbing, and the bronze edges are a little softer, so it wouldn't be too too good of an all mountain board (edges will be gone within a...
  15. do12jet

    Big Bear

    hahah i didn't even realize that picture came from TH
  16. do12jet

    Big Bear

    why you teasing, dEfCoNzErO? hahah good luck if you go iron man. i would never be able to drive 12 hours in a day while boarding another 6+ btw, got a chamberlain today
  17. do12jet

    Big Bear

    oh damn they just changed it it's a board up there right now.. but on 189.99 reg price 499.99 it's like, but more like a woot off. items change after the previous one is sold out, or if it isn't selling well. and always changed at 11pm PST (supposed to be...
  18. do12jet

    Big Bear

    foursquare jacket up right now for 59.99 regular price is 169.99
  19. do12jet

    Big Bear

    hahah damn. but it's all good. having a good time is always worth the money. anyway, some sick realms up on right now. act quick before theyre gone.
  20. do12jet

    HUF LA

    imo.. not a real HUF supporter if you want them to be unsuccessful, no matter what location or what product.
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