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  1. martianrefugee

    Go Canada vol. UBC

    I'm from Ontario and prereq for uni are much higher opposed to the rest of canada making schools outside easier to get into
  2. martianrefugee

    Go Canada vol. UBC

    I'm from Ontario and prereq for uni are much higher opposed to the rest of canada making schools outside easier to get into
  3. martianrefugee

    Go Canada vol. UBC

    seriously all those people not one black person ?? now wonder their school is easy to get into
  4. martianrefugee

    Go Canada vol. UBC

    seriously all those people not one black person ?? now wonder their school is easy to get into
  5. martianrefugee

    NT, why are you single?

    this is weird but when i used to be in the parties and drinking girls used to want me more than now when i'm focused on currency?which i find odd..i mean $*! my face hasn't changed !?! girls used to be bold with their interest for me ?now i can't even get a glance Also i have a baby face and it...
  6. martianrefugee

    Black Man Rapes and Mutilates White Jewish Girl.

    amazing foreshadow
  7. martianrefugee

    Black Man Rapes and Mutilates White Jewish Girl.

    amazing foreshadow
  8. martianrefugee

    Online Dating Sites

    so how do you pique their interest with the messages ?i mean the initial message? basically how to get insta response
  9. martianrefugee

    Online Dating Sites

    so how do you pique their interest with the messages ?i mean the initial message? basically how to get insta response
  10. martianrefugee

    Discussion for my mature NT'ers: Do you open car door's for women?

    she can open her own door i think people like Nellie mclung died for that no?
  11. martianrefugee

    Discussion for my mature NT'ers: Do you open car door's for women?

    she can open her own door i think people like Nellie mclung died for that no?
  12. martianrefugee

    women as leaders!?!

    i'm not being sexist just trying to get a heat check  1.if you're in a group of like 15 males  in a non professional setting how do you take a female leader seriously?(female leading a group of all males)**(in a professional setting you're forced to give respect) 2. How do you think of her...
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