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  1. babyteez


    i am the girl. i have an ex girlfriend.
  2. babyteez


    i am that girl!!
  3. babyteez

    sex the cure for everything? FTW!

    if your sick does smashinggg make u feel better? get all those nasty toxens out of your body!
  4. babyteez


  5. babyteez


    i got a pic put dont know how to post it on here
  6. babyteez


    no pics of the ex. got rid of them all
  7. babyteez

    Flirting while in a relationship?

    try getting hit on when your with your man. THE WORST.
  8. babyteez


    im still debating if i wanna go
  9. babyteez


    sorry im new
  10. babyteez

    The Simple Things

  11. babyteez

    I just need to vent.

    bottom line.. i just want him to come over and be with me it would make me feel a million times better. i dont think thats selfishi think its actually veryreasonable..yea? guys u know when ur down bein with your girl just chillin is the best thing aside from doin it. lol
  12. babyteez

    I just need to vent.

  13. babyteez

    I just need to vent.

    why is it that when dude needs somethin his lady is always there no matter what,when,where..ect. BUT when a lady needs somethin theres a millionother things he needs to do.? not ***** sick and i want my man to take care of me. but he doesnt wanna get sick and i know dudes...
  14. babyteez

    I have Mono...FML..suggestions?

    i had mono for almost 5 months. dont whine. sleep as much as u can and eat chicken noodle soup homie
  15. babyteez

    Read Kanye's mind in this pic

    even i must agree shes BAD for a bald white feme
  16. babyteez

    Internet Keep You Up All Night For NO Reason ?

    my boyfriend does this and it drives me f!$^*% CRAZY. smh at all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. babyteez

    So...NT. Anyone got a fetish? Vol. CFNM

    all lights on.
  18. babyteez

    NT my friend died

    ive never had anything like this are you even suppose to cope with something like this, like i said to someone else reality hasn't even set sucks because i know nothing i could ever do can bring my friend back. it really hurts
  19. babyteez

    NT my friend died

    so i was driving home from work today and my girl textd me and asked did you hear about Aline, I dont have myspace and all that so I didnt hear the news thatone of my friends ive know since middle school was in a snowboarding accident last night and was killed. i dont wanna post what happend so...
  20. babyteez

    I made my bed with my girlfriend in it with PICS

    it was human till i cut it all off smh still tothis day. ill post later im at work
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