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  1. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Thank you and I 100% agree. I don't know what part of the country you are in but I see a good amount of that in my area and I know you don't know me but believe it or not I make that effort. Like I said I'll come at you with the utmost respect until you've done something to lose it. I know a...
  2. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I added a line to my last post and guess you started your reply before you saw it. How would getting rid of the people I work for change anything in regards to law enforcement? In regards to your response, if I'm reading it correctly, police should strictly answer radio calls? If officers...
  3. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I will when I get a chance. Out of curiosity, what would be your ideal way in which law enforcement works? Ive heard/seen/read peoples opinions and just wondered what changes they would make, short of getting rid of law enforcement altogether. For instance you say the people I work for are...
  4. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Which documentary? I've been to that memorial and it's well put together. That 9/11 memorial in NYC though is insane. I spent like 4 hours in there and honestly, could have spent a couple more hours. Definitely recommend it.
  5. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    If you read my reply to yours, I was saying I've never seen it in my department or while I've been on the job. I've seen the news. I'm not blind to it. I'm not naive enough to think it's all BS and that its something that the media makes looks worse than it really is. It's a real thing. You...
  6. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Utmost respect for your opinions
  7. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Yeah two months ago is probably too recent.
  8. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I can. All the time.
  9. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Drugs/paraphernalia. All depends on the person, their attitude, their priors. If it's a holiday I take that into consideration too. If the person is cool its not uncommon for me to let them dump the drugs/destroy the paraphernalia and let em walk.
  10. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I would stop her. Would I write her a ticket? I'd leave that up to the store owner/manager and it'll be a citizen's arrest at that point. 
  11. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    The written test was VERY basic. A bunch of generic questions. The polygraph/voice stress test comes after your background interview. You'll meet with a detective and they'll ask you everything you'd be embarrassed to answer. Just gotta come clean. After you've aired all that out, if they decide...
  12. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Wow. Thats a nice guy. Admittedly, I probably wouldn't have let you go, but I don't know all the circumstances.
  13. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Sorry that happened to you and the other person. And ouch. Can't stand on my own? Gotta call for backup if **** hits the fan? I can, and I do. Sorry I don't meet your standards as a man. I sincerely hope you get over your hatred and desire for all cops to be dead. God bless.
  14. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I understand the questions and trust me I want to give you an answer but I can't say. That's on those officers. Bad officers at that. After we render a scene safe, whether we had to hit somebody with a baton or use a carotid restraint or shoot em, our next step is first aid. I've never seen a...
  15. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    He should have gone to jail/still be in jail. Based on what I've heard/read, his case doesn't have the same variables as others. His legitimately seems like more of an accident. Like he got spooked and had no trigger control. It did not sound like there was any malicious intent. Still, an...
  16. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    You're going to have to have better reasons than that. Again, here in CA, the two most common reasons are because a person has large amounts of cash/property on them due to business, or because they have a restraining order against somebody, and still those reasons won't give you one. If you...
  17. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Glad dude got caught and sorry for your loss. As far as having the gun pulled on you, I can't speak for those cops. I'm not saying you're in the wrong. I don't know the circumstances. The very first time I pulled my gun out on someone was a similar situation. It was my very first day in the...
  18. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    A lot of good questions. A lot of questions that I can't answer as I am one person and I've let it be known how I feel about cops in the wrong and such, so I'll touch on some. 1. I've never been told to target any race/gender/age/religion/economic status/sexuality etc. Believe it or not, I get...
  19. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Nice. Reminds me of this Another question. Say we start society all over again. What would be ideal in terms of structure and how law enforcement is handled? EDIT: I guess i don't know how to add multiple quotes.
  20. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    What this thread has turned into isn't what I intended. I'm still down to field questions about anything police related (laws, procedures, traffic, how situations are handled etc). I still want you guys to post your questions and I'll answer them in the order they're posted. I made this thread...
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