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  1. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Sometimes good people do make mistakes. They do. I totally agree. The degree of those mistakes though is where the problem is. I mean making a mistake and stealing $200 is one thing. But if you point a gun at somebody or even worse, shoot them for that $200? Those two mistakes have to be handled...
  2. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Yes. I could be a paramedic. I could be a firefighter. I could be a teacher. I could be a counselor. Being a cop lets me be all those and then some. Let me guess. "That's BS." To you it may be. But to me thats what it is. I work closely with all of those above mentioned occupations. Paramedics...
  3. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    It really is
  4. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    It's happened haha
  5. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    The only time I have was a drunk guy sleeping on the street. Dude couldn't stand up or even give me his name but he kept saying he was a sovereign citizen and that we couldn't do anything to him. We even had to get a mental health clearance for him because the nurse at jail wouldn't clear him...
  6. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    There are. I'm sure a bunch haven't come out yet but there are a good amount that have already come out.
  7. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I think you misunderstood that statement. I kind of referenced it in one of the last questions I answered. I may have picked the wrong word. Not trying to hide from it. When I run across someone with priors of course it makes me that much more vigilant of course, depending on what the prior is...
  8. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. Though that question is pretty general. My answer? I don't. Do others? Yes. The majority? I can't say. We follow the same rules, save for some traffic ones to be honest. 2. How are we exempt from it? I'm guessing you're referring to a cop not being disciplined for something they did. We go...
  9. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. Help me out. Maybe I used the wrong word. A persons driving dunk and they kill 2 people. Or a person robs somebody else at gun point. Or a person sexually abuses a child. Honestly. There is an enormous amount of words to describe that behavior. What word would you use? 2. It still is
  10. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    No. Our targets are lines emulating a body with rings with different point values for different rings.
  11. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Definitely be honest. The biggest question is how long ago was the last time. I've done it before but it was years before I applied. They're not looking for perfect people because really who is? They just want the best of the imperfect people.
  12. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    There is no quota. Now if you're out there doing absolutely nothing then people are going to start asking whats going on. But we have no quota. You can't be disciplined for not having x amount of contacts per day.
  13. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. Black 2. I have but I wouldn't say it's a regular thing. I try to hang out with my non-cop friends more. They keep you level and grounded.
  14. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    All the time
  15. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Generally, yes. I've never written a ticket to another LEO but I have gotten one. It's up to the other LEO what they want to do but for the most part I would say we do.
  16. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    We've all taken courses on the subject and know the situation is a fragile one. Pick a psychological diagnosis and there are so many different degrees of severity for each one. We basically evaluate the situation and if the person meets one of the criteria (danger to self, danger to others, or...
  17. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. Not a lot, but thats in the eye of the beholder of course. 2. Yup 3. I've heard of it, never tried to pry any deeper though
  18. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Its good that you hardly run into them obviously. And I never wish this on you but I'm sure you're viewpoint would change even just a little bit if you had a bad encounter. I may be blind to it but I'm sure all these people saying F THE POLICE had a bad encounter or know somebody who did. I just...
  19. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Unfortunately you live in one of the states with the strictest gun laws. In CA, you need to have a business where you're constantly carrying large amounts of cash or a restraining order against somebody. You need to be able to articulate the hell out of your reason. It's of course never...
  20. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Again. I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't know your situation, but I wish your viewpoint will be able to change even the slightest bit. I'll say right now though its not gonna work with that mentality.
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