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  1. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    HAHA yeah. I do!
  2. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Nope. Common misconception, at least for my department. I personally haven't written an actual ticket in probably 3 weeks and I've certainly gone longer.
  3. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I wouldn't say its "risking my job to expose it." The more crooked they are the worse it makes it for the rest of us. If it's something that egregious I personally wouldn't have a problem bringing it up to somebody and I would say the same for ALMOST everybody else. There are those I'm sure that...
  4. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I've told parterres to **** before. Usually when I have a situation handled and they keep talking and angering the person back up again. Never have I had to interject myself when a cop was beating up on a dude or anything. You see on TV sometimes an officer losing his cool and just beating a...
  5. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Well said!
  6. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. I apologize for the way you were treated when getting your accident report. All I can say in that situation was you encountered a bunch of *****. 2. The stop was valid if your headlight was out (most people cannot even tell their headlight is out so if I stop them for it it is usually a...
  7. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Thank you! That's much appreciated. It is a stressful job for me and the family but I enjoy it so the family now supports it. It's easy for me to say people not in the profession or those who are not related to somebody in the profession don't understand, but it is true. Kind of made this thread...
  8. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Always a tough question/answer. I don't remember if there is a question during the background check reading, "Are you racist?" Of course even if they did, people would just check no. I can really only identify what I see. The ONLY time I felt there was a stop done purely based on race I was...
  9. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. Some cops deserve it while some definitely don't. Pick a profession and you could say the same. I was raised to respect law enforcement. Of course I feel like I deserve respect at least, but I know you have to give respect to get respect. I come into most situations on an even level as the...
  10. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    1. It's actually a spartan mask, and I like the look of it. 2. Not sure how to quantify the danger of the job. The job is inherently dangerous though. Never know who you're dealing with. The people you contact have the drop on you. We wear uniforms driving marked vehicles so we can't hide. We...
  11. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Always wanted to do it since I was just as a little kid in elementary school. Then growing up I realized how much I enjoy helping people and how much I disliked criminals. I never really had the support from family/friends so I didn't join til later. I wish I joined 5 years earlier. 
  12. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Overtime is available pretty regularly and whether you want to work it is up to the individual of course. Me personally, I usually will If I want to go on a vacation or buy something expensive. It can be stressful and be pretty easy. I'd say AT LEAST 90% of the calls we go on results in a short...
  13. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    I'm not against accountability at all. I'm all for it. I'm not sure what part of my first post you were referencing specifically. And do you have a specific example of an "egregious act" or even a hypothetical situation you want me to speak on? If you're talking about the part where I...
  14. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    You mean like a pat down? We do them all the time when we contact people. A pat down though, per policy, can only be done with the person's consent. If I feel I need to I'll ask the person. If they let me then cool. If not, not a huge deal but of course I'm on my toes a bit more.
  15. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Most dangerous I've been in have been physical fights. One time a kid called in on his dad because he was scared of him saying his dad was acting crazy and may be using drugs. His dad came out of his bedroom naked and when I asked "whats going on" he swung and tried to take my flashlight and I...
  16. nt tbl

    Ask a Cop whatever.....

    Just like the title says. Obviously public/police relations aren't the best right now and its been like that for a while. I get it. I understand. I've seen the same videos that you all have seen and then some. I could justify/argue some while others were flat out wrong. I'm not naive enough to...
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