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  1. seuqram onec

    Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

    This guy is so ignorant...and the sad things is that he is a so called man of God...and whats even sadder is that fact that he has a platform and he is in aposition to influence a lot of people because of his so called title and what have you....the only thing you can do is pray for this dude...
  2. seuqram onec

    YO! Has your parent's relationship influenced your relationship(s)?...

    Yo what it is APEZZY...My parents go divorced when I was like 9 I think...and I saw that my mom was hurt and I was for a while I wouldn't reallylet any female get all of my heart...I was "doing me"... but I choose to settle down and I found my things are like my dad and his...
  3. seuqram onec

    .::It's Official, The Jewelry Thread Vol. 10: Kiddin' like Jason::.

    An Iced out wife beater....thats just crazy!!!!!
  4. seuqram onec

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    Couple pics I took...
  5. seuqram onec

    .::It's Official, The Jewelry Thread Vol. 10: Kiddin' like Jason::.

    The Garfield is stupid...good work Jason!!!
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