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    :::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [1-1 @Rams 9/22 1:25PST]:::

    Bethea with a concussion?!  I didn't see the play, what happened? 
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    :::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [1-1 @Rams 9/22 1:25PST]:::

    Yeah baby Everything you said was dumb, This is easily the dumbest 
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    I think it's a shame how certain players get robbed of fair opportunities to start Remember Bruce Gradkowski? Now Matt Mgloin is in the same position getting robbed of the starting spot that he earned last year. Just imagine how our franchise could've been if we actually gave bruce gradkowski...
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    Props to you my dude. haha you exposed me,  I was ignorant about a lot of the stuff  I was saying.  For the record, I wanna see the Raiders stay in Oaktown and continue on a path of success on the business side as well as the football side. 
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    the guy needs to sell the team asap. on second thought, it's only the stadium situation that Mark davis isn't handling very intelligently. He's done all that he can do to try to build a contender.  It's just up to reggie now i guess. 
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    Look at the 49ers.  Jed York brought in Paraag marathe as a close advisor and now he's the team president. Look at his bio  "Under his direction, the 49ers have experienced tremendous progress off the field, with the construction of Levi’s174 Stadium being the focal point of the club’s efforts...
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    this franchise is in disarray - no wins, not much long term promise, and they don't even have a damn up-to-date stadium to play in. There will be no stadium in oakland. Oakland has no $ to pay for it.  The team will not play in santa clara, they have too much pride to share a stadium. The team...
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    :::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [1-1 @Rams 9/22 1:25PST]:::

    This season is like  the 1994 season in the sense that it appears to be super bowl or bust... The draft is KEY considering we aren't doing jack in free agency.
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    Perhaps you're right... but keep in mind the Quran is an arabic text - it cannot be 100% translated to english your refutations are valid, perhaps even true, I wish I knew arabic well enough to analyze the verses... I'm interested in analyzing these verses more, but it will require studying...
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    "Muhammad is the most influential man in history"  Written by an academic, hard to refute the reasons why.  It's all linked homie - the quran's scientific miracles, it's linguistic perfection, it's beauty... the character of Muhammad, they're hard to refute for someone who actually has...
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    This is coming from someone who has clearly never read the quran.  The quran is a miracle in many different ways - including it's linguistic perfection Believe me, if you engaged the Quran and read it, you would be humbled by it... Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world for a...
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    To all the people who want responses, I will answer all of your questions in about 2 days, after my exams are over until then plz bear w/ me lol.  theres' too much to respond to all at once
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    Dude watch the video on Quran and embryology  stop acting like you KNOW for a fact that God doesn't exist or that the Quran is not true... You're being such an ignorant buffoon by posting stupid gifs. If you want an intelligent discussion, then engage in one...  Like I said watch the video -...
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    The quran and science Maurice Bucaille was a french scientist who converted to Islam in response to the discovery of an old Egyptian Pharoah's body which was preserved impeccably well - a miracle which was explained in the Quran, upon discovering this, he converted to Islam. The Author of...
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    "Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

    The quran supports the big bang theory... also various other modern scientific discoveries have already been spoken about in the quran
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    Where to learn about Football on an academic level?

    I'm looking for a website that will allow me to learn more about football play calling/defensive and offensive schemes etc - perhaps in a website catered towards aspiring coaches. and particularly one that breaks down NFL football more so than college or HS. 
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    Oaktown making moves this off-season Hope they can succeed this season Why did the Raiders let Jennings go and sign McFadden instead? This is IMO the most questionable move... they could've had a star-caliber starter at the RB position. Now who do they have at RB besides McFragile
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    Classic NBA Inside stuff episode on Run TMC
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    :::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [1-1 @Rams 9/22 1:25PST]:::

    Vontae would be an amazing signing to this team... If he has the same athletic genes as his brother. Vernon would get whip his *** into pro bowl shape the way Mike sIngletary did to him
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    Official Air Jordan Gamma 11's 12/21/13 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

    these are still available at places?
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