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  1. jdub55

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    I paid 900 for my half sleeve which was just about 20 hours of work and i get free touch ups which reminds me i need to call and make an appt(i posted it days ago maybe 70 pages back) i plan to take it down to my forearm and get black clouds and some more flowers and the sign from my great...
  2. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Miami Don't change your form that just means your form is right. What you were told was right the correct form is keep it as close to your shins as possible. Try doing suspended deadlifts which isolates your back, so it starts at your shins instead of the floor. I got a buddy that does crazy...
  3. jdub55

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    My buddy has a sleeve of St. Michael killing demons. Its got crazy cloud shading and the wings on St. Michael were fit to his arm. The artist did a hell of job.
  4. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    hahaha the only reason i posted that is cause he said theres no way i was that % BF nobody cares what you have to say anyway ive seen the posts you make and theyre garbage im pretty sure someone asked and i gave insight
  5. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Keepz You could take both of those together but id either mix em or use one then the other. You have to drink quite a bit of water for your brain to swell and die.. It happend to a kid here in chico, trying to pledge a frat. Im pretty sure he had drank like 3 or 4 alahambra water jugs of...
  6. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Keepz is the white flood a pre or post workout?
  7. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Keepz Id take it before and see how it works out and if you dont like that drink it through out your workout.
  8. jdub55

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    Fong Looking sick man real clean work its making me wanna get more added to mine im thinking of adding a black swirl and somemore flowers along with the sign from my great grandpas restaurant in japan. again nice work man your artist is dope.
  9. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Carlos I've always been mad skinny and athletic and that mixed with my genes(my uncle was a body builder, my dad was real into weightlifting and my older brother still wakes up every morning at 4am to hit the gym) and ive been hitting the gym consistantly for about 2 years now so its always...
  10. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    i dont contribute a damn thing because i dont care about the people on this site sorry i dont make all these insightful posts like you do i could careless good for you i only posted it cause he told me there was no way i could be that BF so i wanted to tell him hes full of ishh and i dont like...
  11. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Durdan how long did it take you to get there? my PR is 55 in and havent done it since i slipped and banged my shins doing 44in with a 20 pound vest. oh yeah and did I tell you i had my Body Fat tested the other week and i measured in at 5.3% just thought id throw that in there cause you were...
  12. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    So durdan I had my body fat measured today I measured in at 5.3% BF at 165 lbs Still wanna try and tell me bs and there's no way
  13. jdub55

    RIP Kim Peek AKA Rain Man

    I watched a Documentary on him on the science channel one night, and the guy was absolutely fascinating to the guy up there that got to meet him that i wouldhave loved to meet him and ask him questions. His wealth of knowledge was unbelievable and his dad is the true meaning of a father
  14. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I wear Nike Free 3.0s and Vans or Chuck Taylors on back days and sometimes on leg days.
  15. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I will laugh it off cause your talking outta your.... but yeah i had it tested last week and before you start in it was by someone whos been doing it for 30 years im 5'10" 165 and theres honestly not an ounce of fat on me i competed last year and my fat was down to 2% so call me a liar but i...
  16. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    ha people are hilarious since you know me and not gonna argue with you guys i know what my percent my body fat is. End of story
  17. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Memphis Do you take protein? I usually use strawberries, bananas, blueberries, and a scoop or two of protein(Chocolate or Vanilla), glutamine,milk and ice and itsmoney
  18. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Haha youd be suprised...You think what you want to think im the who knows what i look like Keep trying tho
  19. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Haha honestly anyone who has someone mapping out their diet and keeping them to that cooking them food, on top of a personal trainer and all that other stuffcould have 5% body fat Whats funny is i have 5% body fat and i dont have any of that you dont need any of that to get what you want.
  20. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    That Taylor guy from Twilight was eating every two hours and was eating nothing but sweet potatos red meat patties and raw almonds. He lost a lot of that hehad.
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