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  1. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Bkmac I have the same body type 5'10" weigh 165 but was 135-140 when i started. Basically eat and eat and eat. Not gonna lie it took me forever to put onthe weight i did and i worked my butt off in the weight room to get where im at. It really does take dedication if you really want to see...
  2. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Pana I love doing leg extensions as a part of legs doing lightweight for that 15-30 both legs and switchin it up and doing one leg extensions. The thing i always have to remember not to point my toes and hook the extension part and just let my ankles relax and push the weight instead of...
  3. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    haha klip do you have an obession with kane? Look up lee priest(Body builder) not quite as cut up as kane but the guy has hand muscles that look like if hesqueezed your hand hed turn it into dust. On another note i cant wait to do some back tomarrow, Im back into the swing of things after...
  4. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    The people who are worried about numbers are always the ones trying to push the most weight with the most horrible form, then they look at me and think why ishe doing not quite as much but getting more results Youd be suprised how far good form can help you out, like on flat bench with the...
  5. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Close grip bench is money, i do weighted bar dips, dips with feet up and 45lb plates in the lap, reverse tri extensions, tricep push downs, tricep rope pull downs, skulls, close grip onthe machine with the uneven bar, kick backs on the machine or with dumbells. I usually do most if not all and...
  6. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I do 10-12 reps usually until fatigue the last couple being what grimlock is talking about and Yankee try starting with the 45s for a set of 12 or 15 and then do the rest of your sets with the 50s for 8-12 my triceps feel good today, got down on arms yesterday
  7. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Dang i thought i was lean and thats like a whole other level like no water retention whatsoever
  8. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Joe do you compete?
  9. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I Honestly never got why anyone would want arms like that so much for ever scratching your back again Do take a pic audi there was a guy at the gym i go to that did arms EVERY workout same arm workout too did roids and synthol....Thank christ the bloated beastgot caught doing his shots in the...
  10. jdub55

    Who's Your Favorite Character From The Office?

    Haha my roommate looks exactly like Kevin my favorite character has to be the nard dog and stanley comes with the sleeper humor every now and then
  11. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Joe Whats your height and weight, I keep seeing people talk about how crazy fit you are especially all you guys in team fitness I like to think of myself as a pretty fit person and i wanna see if im on your level
  12. jdub55

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Chewtoy Whats your goal weight and what are your workouts like also how long are your workouts?..... i didnt go all the way back to see if you had posted any my bad ifu did Ive been at it about a year and half pretty much 7 days a week and put on a good 25 30 pounds in that time trying to put...
  13. jdub55

    THE CHICKS with INK Appreciation THREAD, BEST PICS ever ***

    heres another of metal mulisha monica from the last girls with tats thread
  14. jdub55


    The strawberry ones were the best thing ever
  15. jdub55

    So seriously....How eff'n high were The Beatles?

    Let it Be is my personal fav and how high do you think they were doing yellow submarine.
  16. jdub55

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    Just got the sun retouched and the blossoms filled on Saturday
  17. jdub55

    Mouth Swab Drug Test??

    Haha all you have to do is brush your teeth before one of these to pass. If you havent smoked in 2 weeks you should be good I took one and the guy doing the test and i quote said "you have to be a gutter addict not to pass one of these" This test is by far the least easiest to pass. Its weird...
  18. jdub55

    What's your favorite fast food place ?

    Id have to say In N Out is the truth. Ive eatin at damn near every good fast food place from here in cali to the east coast, from five guys to checkers and white castle and nothing touches In N Out The family who own In N Out have to make a killing cause rarely is the place not packed not to...
  19. jdub55

    05.20 Some 3rd Gen iPhone News...

    Cause they know no matter what people are going to shell out the money reguardless of the price.
  20. jdub55

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    Fongstarr How do you like your D90? Ive been really looking at this and the 40d, i cant decide. Care to help?
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