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  1. theswoosh

    Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

    Finally lets get this fight started.
  2. theswoosh

    Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

    Finally lets get this fight started.
  3. theswoosh

    Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

    Your account has been suspended 2 weeks for attempting to use our forums to request an illegal PPV stream. 
  4. theswoosh

    Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

    Your account has been suspended 2 weeks for attempting to use our forums to request an illegal PPV stream. 
  5. theswoosh

    How does he sit down....

    That bike has better suspension than your stock honda.
  6. theswoosh

    U.S. Government Secretly Spread STDs

    Didn't this story from 2 years ago? Anyways, this "science" has been going on for quite some time now. Tuskegee experiment Small pox blankets and this story OP.
  7. theswoosh

    It Took 219 Days, but My New 2012 Baby From Germany Has Arrived (Audi)

    That is a very nice car OP.
  8. theswoosh

    Proud Parent Post

    My son at age 1. He just turned 3.
  9. theswoosh

    Alex Morgan appreciation vol. CALL HER AN AVG WHITE GIRL ONE MORE TIME...

    She's not average, she's frumpy.
  10. theswoosh

    Sex for Student Loans: Increasing trend among college students/grads.

    $350 for all that! Doing it wrong.
  11. theswoosh

    New Orleans in a nutshell? need help

    Stick to burbon st and you will find everything you need. I don't know it s it's still there, but at the end of Burbon st there is a little breakfast spot thats open late. I would hit that up at least 4X a week.
  12. theswoosh

    Bachelor Pad.

    Great posts everyone. I made a blog that covers the remodeling of my kitchen and some other small jobs.
  13. theswoosh

    I'm Addicted to Cocaine. I need help.

    Get help while you still can OP
  14. theswoosh

    NT school me on your city... vol. This wont end well for her

    I knew it!  But let's be cereal. Black people from the bay gave EVERYONE a pass to say the N word.  Black people from the bay, what have you done?
  15. theswoosh

    Are Filipinos considered Asian?

    From my experience, 9/10 consider themselves pacific islanders. Asian as a political term has been used to refer to specific countries in the continent of Asia. This is also the reason why people do a double take when Indian's are referred to as asian.
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