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  1. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    Now go vote for premiers dew can http://www.greenlabelart....shop_details.php?shop=18
  2. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    Now go vote for premiers dew can http://www.greenlabelart....shop_details.php?shop=18
  3. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    Got 2 people down to roll with me to snap that pic of the almighty sign... Thanks for the votes so far everyone
  4. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    Got 2 people down to roll with me to snap that pic of the almighty sign... Thanks for the votes so far everyone
  5. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    Thanks to anyone who has voted so far. I just called my buddy and told him the story about the sign. He's down to come along and hopefully we can head out there on Monday
  6. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    Thanks to anyone who has voted so far. I just called my buddy and told him the story about the sign. He's down to come along and hopefully we can head out there on Monday
  7. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    thanks ill try and get someone to come with me maybe monday and get a pic of the sign.. no promises tho i dont want u guys gettin mad at me but ill give it a shot i got a little footy for some vid we did a little while ago it was all park footy tho... sorry but apparently idk how to post vids...
  8. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    thanks ill try and get someone to come with me maybe monday and get a pic of the sign.. no promises tho i dont want u guys gettin mad at me but ill give it a shot i got a little footy for some vid we did a little while ago it was all park footy tho... sorry but apparently idk how to post vids...
  9. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    i honestly dont know how to post a pic but i would if i knew how
  10. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    i honestly dont know how to post a pic but i would if i knew how
  11. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    if i have time in the next couple days ill go snap a pic of it.... not goin further than that tho
  12. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    if i have time in the next couple days ill go snap a pic of it.... not goin further than that tho
  13. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    so the shop i skate for has a can they designed for the Green Label Art Mountain Dew contest and if they get first in their region then they get to fly to vegas to hang out with P-Rod and they said i could have one of the plane tickets if they win.. So if you guys have time to sign up and vote...
  14. rskiver89

    NT help us out and vote for our Mountain Dew can please.. UPDATE: *THE NO TRESPASSING SIGN INSIDE*

    so the shop i skate for has a can they designed for the Green Label Art Mountain Dew contest and if they get first in their region then they get to fly to vegas to hang out with P-Rod and they said i could have one of the plane tickets if they win.. So if you guys have time to sign up and vote...
  15. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    my friends told me the whole background story about the ada witch the other night and ive never heard of it before so we went and checked it out... we roll through some back roads and its in this graveyard thats creepy as hell and ur supposed to go and sit next to her grave.. but we didnt get...
  16. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    my friends told me the whole background story about the ada witch the other night and ive never heard of it before so we went and checked it out... we roll through some back roads and its in this graveyard thats creepy as hell and ur supposed to go and sit next to her grave.. but we didnt get...
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