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  1. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    Me and some friends went to the Ada witch and some other spots the other day.. Thinking about making a trip to the felt mansion and look for the melon heads... Might have to add this place as a spot to go to
  2. rskiver89

    Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

    Me and some friends went to the Ada witch and some other spots the other day.. Thinking about making a trip to the felt mansion and look for the melon heads... Might have to add this place as a spot to go to
  3. rskiver89

    NT, what was your 15 minutes of fame?

    got a little photo in the photografitti section in last mays Thrasher... i was pretty psyched
  4. rskiver89

    NT, what was your 15 minutes of fame?

    got a little photo in the photografitti section in last mays Thrasher... i was pretty psyched
  5. rskiver89

    Mortal Kombat?

    i think its money..
  6. rskiver89

    Mortal Kombat?

    i think its money..
  7. rskiver89

    Mortal Kombat?

    i think its money..
  8. rskiver89

    Mortal Kombat?

    i think its money..
  9. rskiver89

    [| -- Eminem & Jay-Z Home & Home Tour Sept 13th & 14th (Comerica Park & Yankee Stadium) -- |]

    so do these go on sale today or the 25th? and where do i get these tickets from
  10. rskiver89

    [| -- Eminem & Jay-Z Home & Home Tour Sept 13th & 14th (Comerica Park & Yankee Stadium) -- |]

    so do these go on sale today or the 25th? and where do i get these tickets from
  11. rskiver89


    lol que?
  12. rskiver89

    Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

    yea its exactly what everyone has been wanting from em... and what i think is great is that its 17 tracks of annihilation not even any skits.. album is crazy
  13. rskiver89

    Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

    QFT this song is real nice
  14. rskiver89

    Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

    QFT this song is real nice
  15. rskiver89

    Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

    Wow this guy eminem is something else... em using that jay "awhhh" noise on seduction.. i enjoyed it
  16. rskiver89

    Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

    Wow this guy eminem is something else... em using that jay "awhhh" noise on seduction.. i enjoyed it
  17. rskiver89

    Twitter? vol: yes i know im late

    made one awhile ago but just now gettin into it Follow me
  18. rskiver89

    Girl gets dumped on the radio...Has this been posted already?

    when that baby cry went off... perfect timing
  19. rskiver89

    Dear John / Valentines Day

    just went and watched dear john... it was alright nothing id recommend been waiting to go see v day tho
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