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  1. seventh letter

    Girl Advise

    This was seriously the most entertaining thing I've ever read on NT. 
  2. seventh letter

    Jilian Michaels, "I Won't Ruin My Body With Pregnancy"

    A baby would help fill out her sweater dumplings, and probably add a little plumpness to thy booty.
  3. seventh letter

    Caucasian man robs multiple banks disguised as a black man...SMH

    Close, but no cigarillo home.
  4. seventh letter

    Whats a good Facebook Status Update?

    *tries titanic one*
  5. seventh letter

    I know im not the only one that always meets a chick and they be trying to hubb you

    Well you're spitting the "hubb me" type of game.
  6. seventh letter

    Photoshop CS5 Magic w/ proof

  7. seventh letter

    Socially Awkward Habits That You Do, Post Them.

    - Whenever I'm in line at the store and a magazine is backwards or upside down, I'll fix it. - When someone is walking behind me and I see they're walking at a faster pace, I'll either speed up, or stop and let them pass me. (I hate being stuck behind people that walk slow) - I slap the tops of...
  8. seventh letter


    I saw this earlier. Reminded me of this episode of "Keys to the Vip" I watched yesterday. Son approached some skeezer in the club and said, "What kind of guys you like?" She said, "Rich ones." Then this fool said, "okay, let me buy you a drink." Dudes like that are the reason the game is in the...
  9. seventh letter

    should i be mad NT?

    I'm saying. After I found out that bucket head hooked up with someone it would've been on to the next one.
  10. seventh letter

    Niketalk let's get calibrated vol. Shawty is a 10....

    These types of threads are pointless and redundant imo. First of all, people have varying tastes. What YOU consider a dime may not be the same across the board. People have preferences, and different definitions and criteria to what is attractive to them. Second of all, why are you worried about...
  11. seventh letter

    Falling in love with Buddhism. Anyone make the change?

    Thats what she said
  12. seventh letter

    Why You Nice Guys Finish Last!

    Bingo. Confidence is everything. Even she said, "I need balls, and clearly you have them..." and like Daytona said kissing girls in the club is not a good look.
  13. seventh letter

    Random Thoughts thread vol. Witness NTers try to make cheap lulz

    Why does she only have face pics.... hmmmmm. She's probably fat.
  14. seventh letter

    So I lost my phone and a scheme dawns on me...

    I wanted to try this when I found a chocolate, and my cousin had a chocolate. I don't see why it wouldn't work, or why your friend wouldn't be with it as long as you pay the difference.
  15. seventh letter

    OMG.. Rosa Acosta Vol. Dat Rack!

    ^^^ Wise words from a decent man
  16. seventh letter

    RIP Shortypop. [The brand]

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