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  1. dylishis

    :::::: ENTOURAGE: "SECURITY BRIEFS" 10:30pm ET ::::::

    I'm mad the stalking was a sorority prank. But, remember when they found all those pics of Sloan, maybe Ashley is being crazy. They keep alluding to it.That said, I'm still SO over that cluck. But dammit. I love Turtle.
  2. dylishis

    One Who Shows Respect, Get Respect.

    Sod off, h8r!
  3. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    ^ Amen to that! I think this thread title needs to be changed! Introversion should be much appreciated! We're big deals.
  4. dylishis

    One Who Shows Respect, Get Respect.

    I couldn't bloody help it!
  5. dylishis

    Hey NT, where does a guy go to find a GOOD girl?

    Me too. I saw them in June. I miss them.
  6. dylishis

    One Who Shows Respect, Get Respect.

    Wow. What a lame *#$. Why is he so fat? Normally I don't think that celebs owe fans anything but he coulda ignored her entirely. That whole thing was very immature of him. He clearlydidn't have to use the toilet that bad. I mean,'re tough for getting big with some random British...
  7. dylishis

    Hey NT, where does a guy go to find a GOOD girl?

    EvS was great. Jarrod was such a $@@%!@!@@. lol *sigh* <3 <3
  8. dylishis

    Hey NT, where does a guy go to find a GOOD girl?

    Ay fool... sucka. Foolish, foolish sucka. You're a %*%*% and you're going to die of diabetes!!!!!!
  9. dylishis

    Hey NT, where does a guy go to find a GOOD girl?

    I need to go to NZ to retrieve the love of my life. I don't care if he got married and had a kid on me. I will has my Jemaine. He's my babydaddy. /random
  10. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    Preach. I can eat (in a restaurant) alone, I go to the movies alone sometimes, I go shopping alone. I've been to the damn beach alone. There's pretty muchnothing I can't do by myself. I don't HAVE to do any of them alone but I just do and I enjoy myself. But you know there are those folks...
  11. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    It's okay. They don't know any better.
  12. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we'reabnormal for not being interested in their world. We're pretty muchsuperior so... it's all good.
  13. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    Yeah, it's DEFINITELY a tough position to be in when it comes to dating. There's a fine line between being and introvert and just not giving a !++#when it comes to that, and I know that I come off more on the 'not giving a !++#' end more often than not. I've never been particularly needy. I'm...
  14. dylishis

    Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

    Shy definitely =/= introvert. I am not shy and to be honest, shy people kinda make me uncomfortable.
  15. dylishis

    NT, Help Me Find A Myth

    Does a 'ghost story' count? Do Resurrection Mary. That's a pretty common one in the Chicago area.
  16. dylishis

    niketalk help me get my girl back. please

    OP is full of **!%. I don't believe a word of this.
  17. dylishis

    niketalk help me get my girl back. please

    Off with your head!
  18. dylishis

    niketalk help me get my girl back. please

    Hater? You post something like this... what did you think people were gonna say to you? You really are clueless. Good luck with yourdysfunctional relationship.
  19. dylishis

    niketalk help me get my girl back. please

    Epic fail. Move on with your life.
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