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  1. sheed

    NT, Post Sam Cassell Pics Vol. Make us laugh

    who has the PS version???
  2. sheed

    Axe commercials Ftw..

    was he an actor or did he just get jumped?
  3. sheed

    dumb questions UNAPPRECIATION

    relax, its small talk.
  4. sheed

    NT, Post Sam Cassell Pics Vol. Make us laugh

    what are you on, cell phone wise?
  5. sheed

    Getting cursed out by your parents unappreciation

    real talk my dad just called me and asks me what im doing, tells me to goto bed earlier and not to go out cause cops are out looking for drunks. I say im not going out anyway, he repeats go bed earlier like 5 times cause he knows i goto bed late. I say in a hostile tone "I know" and he just...
  6. sheed

    Worst case of car vandalism ever.

    To the owner of that, keep your head up where ever you are. but what was done to the gas cap??? looks like it bubbled
  7. sheed

    If you could marry any woman in the world...

    girl im in turmoil with.
  8. sheed

    So NT, what do you guys do when your bummed

    Nothing, the only thing that can cheer me up is the same thing that has me down.
  9. sheed

    why cassie? why? vol. late

  10. sheed

    Noooooooooooooooo Vol. Cassie

    not that serious. like any of you have a .0008% chance at her. anyway I think it looks good bc she looks good.
  11. sheed

    Who remembers this stuff?

    Um... like 1997(?) circa Heinz Green Ketchup edition.
  12. sheed

    BBGIRL1987 wants to chat with you....

    uh and another one
  13. sheed

    BBGIRL1987 wants to chat with you....

    word. she got that butter face..
  14. sheed

    Who remembers this stuff?

    never knew they made purple
  15. sheed

    I got so much swag....I can give some swag awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwway Vol. Lil King shawty

    PERFECT FLAWLESS EXECUTION I wanna fight that kid
  16. sheed

    Cadbury Creme Eggs Appreciation

    I cam in here expect egg eggs
  17. sheed

    Picture Request! Vol. Life

    we're gonna need more details..
  18. sheed

    For those of you who cut your own hair

    you guys are doing it wrong then.
  19. sheed

    These shots > Lebron's half court antics

    $100k says you cant in 10 tries
  20. sheed

    USC or Berkeley?

    Poo or Puke? i keed
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