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  1. knivesdesu

    Things you havent told your parents to this day...Vol: It slipped my mind

    I'm in my late 20's now and there is a grip of things from high school that moms is never going to know about such as: - Spending every weekend of junior/senior year at raves in the worst parts of Detroit on copious amounts of designer drugs - The fact that I've done LSD well over 100 times -...
  2. knivesdesu

    What yall think of this clothing line

    If your goal was to create a line that looks exactly like a million other lines that no one is interested in buying, I would say you guys did a bang up job!
  3. knivesdesu


    No, I don't think I am. My point is that they create a dress code that allows them the flexability to exclude people pretty much along racial lines."White people with flip flops" can get in, but a dude in semi baggy jeans and a button up is not allowed in. I know you only wear skinny jeans...
  4. knivesdesu


    I thought the whole "no plain tees, no tall tees, no fitteds, no sneakers, no baggy clothing, no "gang colors", etc., etc." was clearenough.
  5. knivesdesu

    *| | Denim _ School | |*

    What are you guys talking about when you say "stacks?" Do you mean honeycombs? Because "stacks" or "stalking" generally refers tothe way the jeans stack towards the bottom of the leg when you buy a longer inseam. Honeycombs (which I am assuming you are talking about) are the wrinklesthat form...
  6. knivesdesu

    Post your fave Starbucks drink

    My go to is a simple doppio espresso. But if I'm going all out I go for the old "dirty chai". Chai Tea, shot espresso, shot vanila, soy milk. Soon point.
  7. knivesdesu

    Dressing better

    I have to agree with WJ4... With few exceptions I would say that the sand db's go with almost any style even. But I would almost say that they might look even better "beat" (to use sneakerhead terms). Something about those boots with a few good stains and adirty crepe sole gives them character IMO.
  8. knivesdesu

    Have any of you tried Uberman's Sleep Schedule?

    Wait, you crash if you are up for more than 5 hours? You crave wierd foods? you have a huge appetite? pass.
  9. knivesdesu

    Almost a year since the election---Do you regret voting for Obama?

    Again, as I said, I voted for Nader in 2000 & have seen him speak multiple times, so I am well aware of the accomplishments which he and his supportersfeel the need to speak on ad nauseum. But again, what in his vast experience as a consumer advocate proves to you he is qualified to run one of...
  10. knivesdesu

    Almost a year since the election---Do you regret voting for Obama?

    I didn't vote for Obama, I voted against McCain, a fact I'm not entirely happy with. But here is my question, do you honestly believe that Nader is qualified to run a country? Granted I voted for him in my first election (2000) but the idea ofthat man taking a job as complex as president of the...
  11. knivesdesu

    The Illuminati: Dont Believe The Hype

    Wait, there are reasonable, logical, and erudite posters on NT?!? (Ok, that is an exaggeration, there are like 5-10) Thank you for this... Too bad 99% are going to claim you are just brainwashed by the system.
  12. knivesdesu

    Vegetarians: Recommend me some new foods

    Yeah fried tofu, or tofu all together actually, is pretty much an aquired taste I think. I know when I ate meat my vegan friends would always be like "trythis dish, it has tofu instead of meat but is just as good", so I'd try it, hit them with the stoneface, and go back to eating my chicken. But...
  13. knivesdesu

    Vegetarians: Recommend me some new foods

    Snacks: Fruit of course, gogi berries (BOMB), chips, pretzels. I mean most snacks are vegitarian I think unless you were eating alot of beef jerkey before.Even keeping vegan and the snack realm is pretty wide open for me. As far as food goes I've been making alot of soups lately. Fried tofu is...
  14. knivesdesu

    Damn man, what the hell is going on in Detroit?!

    Do you know anything about Detroit's history? Have you ever been to Detroit? Do you think an intelligent solution to systemic poverty is"blowing" the poor people up? Detroit is a complicated case. Loss of industry in the surrounding areas, a city council and mayor's office that has largely been...
  15. knivesdesu

    What they do with old NYC Subway Cars

    The issue I see is certainly the positive spin on this would be "Oh but it provides a home for cute sea creatures and fauna so it is environmentallysound!" But nature has a way of regulating itself, with sea animals and fauna reproducing at "an astounding rate" it certainly effects...
  16. knivesdesu

    So finally FOX will air Treehouse of Horror before Halloween

    I am pretty sure in the 90's it has aired on halloween and before it some years. At least that is how memory serves me.
  17. knivesdesu

    Post your Area Code

    313... Detroit what? Southwest WHAT? ha
  18. knivesdesu

    The Illuminati: Dont Believe The Hype

    I applaud your efforts but this is NT. Expect 10 pages of posts saying "Nahhh man, that is just what they want you to think! Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Kanye,Santa Claus, the easter bunny, they are all in on it! Illuminati is keeping us down!!!"
  19. knivesdesu

    Serious discussion: anyone here take benzodiazepines?

    My only advice based on experience (I used to be on 2mg "as needed" of Kolotopin, basically unlimited perscription) and your previous post would bedon't downplay the "addictive" qualities of these drugs. Since you said you "need" weed to calm you down, and you view alcohol as animportant...
  20. knivesdesu

    Dressing better

    I almost always dig the outfits you put together, this being no exception really. My only critique would be that the pants need to be quite a bitbigger. I don't shy away from the skinny look myself, but something looks off about "workwear" to me when the pants are too fitted. Pair thatwith some...
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