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  1. bkdan1

    Chinese translation help?

    You'll need a TaoBao account if you want to buy from that site.
  2. bkdan1

    So Floyd Mayweather came in to my job tonight.

    Word, I just saw him in Australia.
  3. bkdan1

    So Floyd Mayweather came in to my job tonight.

    Word, I just saw him in Australia.
  4. bkdan1

    Saab can't pay its workers

  5. bkdan1

    Saab can't pay its workers

  6. bkdan1

    I haven't laughed so hard in so loooong.

    Reminds me of some of my old PS's of Dirty way back in the PS Dirty thread:
  7. bkdan1

    I haven't laughed so hard in so loooong.

    Reminds me of some of my old PS's of Dirty way back in the PS Dirty thread:
  8. bkdan1

    Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

      Your chances of getting a job would greatly increase if you apply for more positions. Good luck to everyone here.
  9. bkdan1

    Those familiar with Asian Candy

    Flavors from top to bottom: Matcha Tea Wasabi Dark Chocolate Green Tea and wasabi's
  10. bkdan1

    Those familiar with Asian Candy

    Flavors from top to bottom: Matcha Tea Wasabi Dark Chocolate Green Tea and wasabi's
  11. bkdan1

    Those familiar with Asian Candy

    Oh, these? I know where to get them... [/spoiler]
  12. bkdan1

    Those familiar with Asian Candy

    Oh, these? I know where to get them... [/spoiler]
  13. bkdan1

    Flying Bear Kills 2 People in Canada

    We can assume the Sunfire has a greater mass and was traveling faster than the bear. Using conservation of momentum, the result of an elastic collision between the two, along with point of impact (car hits bear at it's lower half of the body), would certainly send the bear flying.  R.I.P.
  14. bkdan1

    Flying Bear Kills 2 People in Canada

    We can assume the Sunfire has a greater mass and was traveling faster than the bear. Using conservation of momentum, the result of an elastic collision between the two, along with point of impact (car hits bear at it's lower half of the body), would certainly send the bear flying.  R.I.P.
  15. bkdan1

    Any NT'ers in Thailand or Vietnam? Livin that Ex-pat life.

    Watch out. [/spoiler]
  16. bkdan1

    Any NT'ers in Thailand or Vietnam? Livin that Ex-pat life.

    Watch out. [/spoiler]
  17. bkdan1

    25 divided by 5 = 14 ..?

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