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  1. legalsole

    Silly things that are deal breakers to you in a relationship?

    Females who drop f bombs in every sentence Females who have a bad temper Chicks with bad tv taste. A female that can't go no where alone. Always have to have a friend or family member go with them everywhere corner store, gym etc Not physical attributes just dumb pet peeves that will...
  2. legalsole

    Were you taught "hell"was forever?

    I was raised in the church and no longer be believe but I ran accross this video and it explain how most people were taught wrong about hell including me. Whether you believe it or see it as a myth, how were you taught about "hell"
  3. legalsole

    No porn February.

    We got this. Fresh new start. #nomoreporneyes
  4. legalsole

    No pron January

    Hi My name is Legalsole And I am addicted to porn Started when I was 13, hasn't ruined any relationship, but the urge is getting stronger and the raunch is getting rauncher. Please join me, I know I'm not the only one. Please respect the thread, no raunch pics or pics please 2days...
  5. legalsole

    Fight against the N word.

    In the world of serious issues( genocide, rape, murder rates, poverty) I have decided to fight against the N word. Decided 2 yrs to stop saying it and Ive only has a few slip ups. Alvin poussaint "The N word is oppressive" Got inspired by the black face thread
  6. legalsole

    Do you like when dudes stare at your girl vol stare at my girl please

    Was at the mall today and saw this chick who I thought was my god sister, while I was looking at her I noticed her dude was grinning my way. I looked away because it was creepy and I realized it wasn't my god sister. When I looked back again I notice ole dude was grinning at a group of dudes...
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